Chapter 2

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Sapphirekit was so excited she thought she was going to fly off into the sky. She was becoming an apprentice in just a few fox-lengths of time! Her mother, Serenepelt, had just finished grooming her fur, and was bristling with pride. "Oh, my little girl is finally becoming an apprentice!" Sapphirekit thought she could see a little bit of sadness in her eyes, she probably hoped her mate, Sapphirekit's father, was here to see her become an apprentice. Serenepelt had always avoided the subject of her mate. All she would say was that she loved him very much, and wished they could see each other more than what they can. Sapphirekit knew he was still alive, she just didn't know where he was. There was going to be a gathering in a couple sunrises, so maybe she could ask around.

         "All cats old enough to gather their own prey gather here beneath the rockside for a clan meeting!" Streamstar's words rang through the clan, making Sapphirekit get even more excited. She walked through the entrance of the nursery into the crowd, her mother going to stand next to Dawnpaw, her apprentice. "We are going to be welcoming a new apprentice into the clan. Sapphirekit, make your way up the rockside." Shinestar began as the clan gathered. Sapphirekit walked up the rock and stopped beside Shinestar, watching her mom's eyes fill up with more pride every second. "Sapphirekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Sapphirepaw. Your mentor will be Snowtail. I hope she will pass down all she knows onto you." Snowtail's eyes lit up. Sapphirepaw realized she had never had an apprentice before. "Snowtail make you way up," Once Snowtail stood beside her, Streamstar continued, "Snowtail, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Currentpull, and you have shown yourself to be loyal, strong, and an excellent role model. You will be the mentor of Sapphirepaw, and I hope you will pass down all you know to her." "Of course, I am so honored you chose me to mentor this amazing young cat," Snowtail replied.

         Sapphirekit stretched her muzzle forward to touch noses with Snowtail. She wondered if I had a sister, she would be here with me, also becoming apprentice. Then she remembered that night. She was with her mom in the nursery, she was talking to another queen about how she had too much milk, and it was leaking. The queen asked why, and she answered that she had another kit! Then she remembered Sapphirepaw was in there and slapped her tail over her mouth! She didn't want me to know! They're still alive! Whoever they are! I will find them! We will be reunited!

A/N Thanks for reading this! Sorry I hadn't updated in a while, we moved and got 2 new kittens. I've also been busy with 'End Of The School Year' things. Also planning my B-Day party which is next weekend.

Bye, my Kittens!!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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