Not Over You~T.E

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I thought I was over it
But I get most things wrong
Now that you're gone
Its hard to stay strong
I thought I could get through the pain that you gave
But the truth is, it feels rather ingraved

Its been two months
And I still have trouble,
Digesting the fact that we're not a couple
I thought I was over it
I thought I was done
But nope
You gotta be a pain in my bum

Baby I miss you
But I can't have you back
Because we are just friends
And we agreed upon that

I feel fine around you
But not always at home
Because you were my first love
And now I feel alone

I want to get over you
But there's something inside
It feels sort of hidden
But I don't know why
It seems like its hidden from both you and from me
Probably so it won't become seen

Sure you broke my heart
But it still works you see
Because no matter how long apart
I'd take you back in a heartbeat

But I'm just so confused
I don't know what to do
It wouldn't be the same
But I still choose you

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