day two

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listen to the song as you read :)

jimin put in his earbuds as soon as he got in the car. he didn't want to listen to his boyfriend chastise him for how he was acting like a child the whole 4 hour car ride to busan.

jungkook and jimin had gotten into a fight the previous night. it had been over a stupid comment that jimin had made, and jungkook overreacted and they started yelling. neither boy wanted to apologize, but jimin knew he was in the wrong–he'd said the comment knowing it would upset the younger. but that didn't mean he wanted to listen to jungkook lecture him on a car ride he didn't want to take.

they were going to their hometown of busan to meet with jimin's parents, and break the news. essentially it was a chance for jimin to say goodbye to his parents. it wasn't going to be easy, and it would probably result in a lot of crying, but it had to be done.

the familiar sounds of kehlani filled his ears and he rested his head against the window as jungkook began driving. gazing out at the buildings and people as they passed, jimin couldn't help but feel a pang of longing. he'd have to leave this place, this city that he'd called home for the past six years in a matter of days.

how could he say goodbye to the pavement he had walked on everyday on his daily trip to work?

how could he leave behind the east-facing balcony in his and jungkooks apartment where they spent nights watching the sunset?

how could he bid farewell to the kind old lady who ran the convenience store down the road that jimin frequented whenever he had a craving for sweets, who knew him by name and his favourite candies?

how could he part with every memory he'd made in the streets of seoul on saturday nights back in college with his friends?

jimin started to cry. he didn't want to die. he didn't want to watch his loved ones suffer as he left them in the most painful way. how was he going to tell his parents that their eldest was about to die? what about his brother? he'd leave him as an only child.

he didn't realize jungkook had been talking to him until the younger reached over and tapped his shoulder lightly. he pulled out his earbuds. "are you okay?" jungkook's voice sounded pained, and jimin hastily wiped under his eyes before looking over at his boyfriend. the younger's face was etched with worry, his eyes shining and lips curving down into a frown.

"i'm fine," he said, looking away, but the crack in his voice gave away his true emotions.

jungkook bit his lip. "no you're not, and that's...that's okay, hyung. you don't have to hide how you're feeling, i know this is a lot and you're probably still processing–"

"what do you know about how i feel?" jimin snapped, a sudden burst of anger bubbling up from somewhere inside him. jungkook was silent, knuckles turning white as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel, a sign jimin knew meant he was upset. but jimin didn't care at this second, he was angry, frustrated, and all the pent up emotions he'd been keeping hidden were bursting out with a rage. "i'm the one fucking dying, jungkook. you think you know how i feel? you have no damn idea. so don't tell me you understand, because you don't, you don't know what it's like being told you have a week to live. you don't have any idea."

jungkook sat in silence, eyes watering as he tried to focus on driving. it hurt that jimin was acting this way, of course it did, but he also knew he didn't mean it. jimin was upset and the easiest person to take it out on was, unfortunately, jungkook. the younger blinked back tears, saying nothing and adjusting his grip on the wheel. they still had about three hours left till they got to busan, and jungkook didn't want to fight the whole way there.

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