day three

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"i just don't see the point," jimin sighed as he stuffed his bag into the crammed trunk. he'd been told only an hour ago by an excited-looking jungkook to pack a bag and had been told nothing about whatever plans the younger had in mind. however he hadn't been able to say no to his boyfriend's adorable bunny smile, so jimin packed a small bag of clothes for literally everything, seeing as he had no idea where they were going.

he turned to see jungkook coming out of the building, carrying his bookbag on his shoulders. "we can't just lay around and be depressed, we should go and make the most of the time we have left." jungkook replied, closing the trunk after tossing his bag in.

you mean the time i have left, jimin thought, but kept it to himself. "so then where are we going, kookie?" jimin asked as they got into the car. he put on his seatbelt and faced his boyfriend, waiting for an answer.

"the train station," jungkook replied vaguely.

jimin shot him a look. "but where are we going from the train station?"

jungkook smiled his bunny smile. "it's a surprise."

jimin rolled his eyes. "whatever. just drive, jungkook-ah."

after arriving at seoul station, they decided to take the express train because it was easier and more comfortable.

the train was fairly empty, so they were able to choose almost any seat they liked. eventually jimin got bored of staring out the window, so he leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and tried to fall asleep. his chest was aching again, but he tried to ignore it and soon he drifted into a light sleep.

as they rode, jungkook glanced over occasionally to look at jimin's resting form. the younger could tell that jimin's chest hurt because of the shallow breaths he was taking. he frowned.

the real reason jungkook wanted to take jimin on this trip was because he wanted to have happy memories to look back on during their final days together, not sad ones. he wanted to remember how beautiful his boyfriend's smile was when it reached all the way up to his eyes, and how his eyes turned to crescent moons. he wanted to remember the magical sound of jimin's laugh, like when jungkook told a joke or tickled him.

a little while later, jungkook's phone rang. he answered it quietly so he wouldn't wake jimin.

"yah, jungkook!" taehyung's deep voice rang through the phone. the brunette smiled at the sound of his best friend's voice. he hadn't spoken to taehyung in a while, as they'd both been busy with work and hadn't had a chance to get together.

"tae! how are you? it's been a while," replied jungkook cheerily.

"oh, i'm fine. bo gum and i are good. what about you, though? how are you and jimin?"

even though he'd anticipated the question, and knew that taehyung hadn't meant the casual phrase as anything other than polite, jungkook swallowed thickly. "i, um, we...we're okay?" he'd meant to sound nonchalant like nothing was going on, but instead his words had come out like a question and now the younger knew taehyung would press the issue.

"you don't sound so sure, kookie." taehyung's voice was full of concern, and jungkook sighed.

"jimin's sick."


"he...he has cancer, tae."

taehyung was silent for a moment. then there was a quiet movement on the other end, like the older male was sitting down. "i..." his tone was softer this time. "i'm so sorry, jungkook-ssi, i–"

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