I <3 yu bcuz yu made a differnce(1)

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I got real bored in french class so i came up wit this story to entertain me, hopefully it'll do the same for you.

I have an idea of where it's going but i'll take some opinions (:

I really want to get this story on the "What's Hot." list. Care to help out???

ENOJII!!! <3



"Wake the fuck up!" A voice roared in my ear. My eyes shot open and I glared at Leo, my brother. His dark hair reached past his ears and framed his pale face. He was smiling just like a douche.

"Go away." I grumbled, closing my eyes.

"Wake up, stupid. You're late." He said as he left my cluttered room; slamming the door behind him.

I sat p in bed and rubbed my sleepy eyes.

Last night was crazy. We partied at Sam's place till 3 in the morning. Some people passed out at his apartment but Leo made sure we came home. I was drinking, of course, having a good time. Every now and then I'd take a hit from the blunt Richy had. I was pretty much bucked up last night.

My head throbbed in pain. I opened my eyes, my stomach felt queasy. Hangover; great.

I swung my legs over my bed and got dressed. I searched the piles of clothes on my floor for a shirt and bra. I almost couldn't find one.

I left my room to brush my teeth and fix my hair.

I stared at myself in the mirror. Those dark eyes glared a me with hatred. Did I hate myself. Whatever. I don't care. I sighed and washed my face. I brushed my already straight dark hair; it flowed half-way down my back. I applied eye liner and put my rings and bracelets on. I clipped my earnings on but left my lip ring out.

When I got down stairs Leo was drinking orange juice. Our parents were work alcoholics, just like every other kid in the rich neighborhood. That's how our partying days became possible. Mom was the C.E.O of Believe Records, while Dad had the honor of traveling the states for his job. He was the designer of air crafts for the air force.

"What up dip shit?" I said as I came into the kitchen. It's not like Leo and I hate each other. I love him and he protects me and I'm guessing that means he loves me too.

"You look nice." He said as he washed his cup in the sink. I smiled.

"Thanks." Compliments don't really break or build my confidence but still they're nice to hear.

"Hey, Izzy?"

"Hm?" I glanced over at Leo. He was staring at his feet, his posture seemed uncomfortable. "Leo? You okay?" I asked taking a step towards him.

"Stay away from Richy." His voice was firm. "Please." It wasn't a request. I stared, shocked. "I saw how he was looking at you last night and I know you guys have a history but I just..." He looked up at me. "I just don't feel right with him being with you." His eyes burned for me to understand him.


"Just do it. For me." Anger boiled in me.

"No. I'll hang out with who the hell I want to, and be with whoever the fuck I feel like being with." I spat my venom at him. " You're my brother Leo, not my Goddamn guardian or some shit." I yelled, heat creeping into my cheeks. "I don't care if you feel right about Richy, who the fuck does?! It's Richy for Christsake."

"I'm trying to be there for you! I want to protect you, Izzy!" He yelled at me, his face turning beat ed as the blood vessel in his forehead became visible.

"I don't care!" I yelled back, throwing my hands up. It was true. I haven't cared...for anything in a long time. Not for myself, not for Leo, he can take care of himself. Not for mom or dad, shit, they had each other.

I love you becasue you made a differenceWhere stories live. Discover now