I <3 yu bcuz yu made a differnce(2)

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I know it's not much but it'll get interesting.



Ch. 2

I left the house without an apology to Leo. He was my older brother but we lost respect for each other years back, probably when he was a freshman and I was in 8th grade. I walked to school, I would've drove but I wasn't in the mood. I liked to burn off my steam before getting to campus. I could start a fight on a drop of a pin and I was already on probation.

When I got to class, Richy found me.

"Hey, babe." He slipped his arm around my waist and pecked me on the lips. Richy and me were off and on. We fight too much and he's just so Goddamn immature. I wasn't scared he'd hit me; I was more scared that maybe he'd kill me. He has a history. A bad one that I never ask about but that doesn't mean I don't know it's there.

"Hey," I said, my voice dull. He didn't notice.

"You coming over tonight?" He asked, pulling back to look at me.

"I don't know. I'm busy tonight." Liar. Ah well. It's not like Richy was an important friendship to me.

He nodded and kissed me again and left.

I took my seat in the back of the class. I pulled out my thin notebook, I've ripped paper after paper out of here. It wasn't a personal notebook but I didn't share it either. I took out a pencil and pen and began doodling.

I was in math class, my most hated class but at least I got it over with in the morning. I would hate to end my day with math.

"Izzy!" I heard my name. I glanced up to see Erin in front of me. She was smiling, her short hair pulled back. Her blue eyes traced around by black eyeliner. She was wearing short shorts and a white tank top.

"Hey." I smiled at her. Great, gossip queen is here.

"You'll never guess what I just saw!" She sat in the seat next to me, her eyes glowing with excitement. I knew she just couldn't wait to tell me. I could only guess whats he saw. Matt kissing Kim. Or Kim sucking Devon's face. Erin hated Kim. Kim was the slut queen and Erin HATED sluts. But she surprised me. "There's a new kid." Her smiled was bright and twisted. "I've never seen anything as delicious as him around here." Oh--some new meat for Erin to tare up. "Ugh!" She exclaimed with pure frustration. "And I just remembered hearing Kim was to chaperon him around campus She's the one that'll give him the tour of the school and the key to her chastity belt, which has been removed on twelve occasions. That means they'll assign him the same classes as her"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled under my breath. Erin can be ridiculous sometimes. "Chill, bro. That means you'll have two classes with him." I reminded her.

She smiled again with more confidence.

"Whats with the kid? Is he that gorgeous?"

"Uh...Duh." She rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't act like this for some lame nerdy pip-squeak."

I laughed. I didn't really care for the new kid. My life will still go on the shitty way it does and so will I. One bump in my road doesn't stop the journey.

"Alright. Class." Ms. Tomas said as she began to write on the board. I flipped to a new page in my notebook and took notes.

Ms.Thomas was talking about infinity when Kim came into the class, a tall boy behind her. He was clean shave, well except for the dark prickles on his chin. He had clear skin and tempting green eyes. He was taller than Kim and Ms. Thomas. He was lean but I cold see the muscles' hiding under his shirt. I won't deny it, this kid was cute, if not sexy.

"hello, Ms. Thomas." Kim said sweetly. But Erin and I both knew it was just a coating "This is Adam Rush, he's new." Kim gestured to Adam and gave him a sly smile. He smiled back but confusion puckered his eye brows.

Kim had blond hair cut just before her collarbone. She was skinny of course but not popular. She was just a stereotype pf what guys wanted. And this girl really did believe guys wanted her. Maybe she was right Richy cheated on me with her that's also why Erin doesn't like her. Shit, if Leo knew that than he'd definitely kill Richy.

"Hello, Adam." Ms. Thomas said. "Please take a seat anywhere you'd like." She gestured to the desks. Kim walked ahead, well more like strut to her seat. The desk next to her was empty, she probably expected Adam to sit by her. But he ignored the seat and surprising the whole class, Ms. Thomas and leaving Kim speechless.

That proves he isn't your typical guy. Instead he sat in the eat right in front of me. His broad back blocking my view of the board. I sighed. I guess this year will be exciting.

I felt death daggers poking my face. I glanced over to see Kim glaring at me. She probably though that her "warning" scare me. It didn't. I could pop this girl in the mouth so fast not even Jesus would see it. Damn bitch, I dare her to say something to me.

Turns out Adam only has three classes with Kim. The other 4 he had with me, including lunch. I didn't sit with him or offer him to sit with me. I went about my day like I normally did. By the time I got home I totally forgot that the new kid now joined my life at Hell High.

"What do you want for dinner?" Leo asked.

Mom and Dad worked late again, well at least Mom did. Dad was out of town in Maine.

"Chicken Marsala."

He busted up laughing. "In your dreams. Does it look like I can cook that?"

I frowned. "But it's what I want."

Leo was silent as he watched me. Finally he sighed and jiggled his car keys. "Come one." He inclined his head towards the door. "I'm taking you to dinner."

I smiled. Leo hardly ever spends his allowance on me. I followed him out the house. The sun was still up but it'd be setting by the time we got to the restaurant.

Leo unlocked the doors to his Chevy S10 . This car was his baby. He bought it three years ago back with the money he saved up for two summers. I was proud of him but I never told him that.

I climbed into his car.

We were silent as Leo drove to the highway. I was about to turn the radio on when Leo spoke.

"Sam's having a party tomorrow."

"Really? That's the 3rd one this week. Are we going?" I asked, hoping we were because I needed the buzz but praying we didn't so I wouldn't have to see Richy.

"Yes and no, we aren't. Sam's my best friend and it might sound stupid but I love him like family." Leo sighed, increasing the speed of the car as his foot slammed on the gas. "But I know as well as Rachel that he has a problem."

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