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I, in no way, am trying to offend anyone by making Tony Padilla bisexual in this fan fiction. I accept the fact that he is gay in the Netflix Original 13 Reasons Why. This book is strictly ficton, and if you do not like the fact that he is bisexual, then I accept your opinion.



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Hannah Bakers death was something no one expected.

I remember sitting at my kitchen table, studying for a Chemestry test, when I got that dreaded phone call.

I almost didn't answer it...I thought it would just be another stupid telemarketer, trying to sell me their "new and improved" item.

Maybe I shouldn't have...


The Day of Hannah Bakers Death...

I glare at the terribly fake teenagers walking past me, as I speed walk to my locker.

On my way there, I meet up with my best friend, Hannah Baker.

I grin slightly, "Hey."

She gives me a side glance before a tight lipped smile appears on her face.


I furrow my eyebrows at her, before shrugging it off.

When we reach our lockers, which had luckily been placed right next to each other, I open it quickly, wanting to get home as soon as possible.

As I put a few books in my bag, a bright color catches my eye.

"Oh!" I exclaim, before grabbing the purple nailpolish and holding out to Hannah.

"I almost forgot to give this back to you, thanks for letting me borrow it." I chuckle slightly.

She glances at the bottle, before turning back to her locker.

"No...keep it, I don't need it anymore." she says with a small smile.

I furrow my eyebrows once more at the girl, before shutting my locker tightly and leaning on it, my left shoulder pressed against the locker, bag slung across my right.

"Are you okay?" I begin, "You seem like...out of it or something."

She stares at the bottom of her locker before looking back at me, and flashing a quick, strained smile.

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