Chapter 1

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Comfort, warmth and security. Just a few words to describe the atmosphere in John and Sherlock's bedroom. The early morning light peering into their sanctum, intruding on the intimate scene. On the bed in the centre of the room lay the men in question. Tangled in their nest of sheets and pillows they sleep peacefully- well almost peacefully, Sherlock is in fact a very loud snorer. The brunette rests, hugging tightly to the blond, head nuzzled up underneath his chin feeling protected in his presence. The large duvet shielding them from the cold that dare to disrupt the warmth they created. 

Together they remained, frozen in time like a masterpiece waiting for the final brush stroke that would accidentally ruin it. Inevitably, just that happened.

A thunderous noise of stomping footsteps rumbled up the stairwell. Mrs Hudson's faint pleas could be heard through the walls as the sound of doors being kicked open echoed through the flat. Sherlock, fighting the heaviness of sleep, lifted his head from John's chest to see their bedroom door fly open. The privacy fled the room as Lestrade, Donovan and two other officers marched in. Sherlock was barely given a moment to voice his protest when the two officers seized John- who had woken up during the ruckus.

"Lestrade, what is the meaning of this-" Sherlock objected, kicking beside the duvet, thankfully he was still in his pyjama bottoms.

"Shut it! Or I will have to bring you in as well" Lestrade stated with a point of his finger.

"John Watson you are under arrest for suspicion of murder. Anything you do or say will be held against you in a court of law.." Sally's voice droned on as she read John his Miranda rights while hand cuffing him-still in his pyjamas.

"MURDER!" Sherlock shrieked. "you can't be serious. John a murder, if this is my brother playing a cruel trick I swear to god!"

"Sherlock shut it or I will have to arrest you for disrupting police business" Lestrade growled, while shooting him an icy glare.

Sherlock huffed in annoyance before diving his hands out in front of him.
"Fine then, arrest me" he uttered with confidence radiating in his expression.

"Sherlock!" Lestrade and John barked in unison while sharing a similar glare toward the topless brunette.

"Well why not save yourselves the trouble because you know I won't shut up either way" he reasoned smugly, still presenting his wrists to one of the officers. The unidentifiable young woman gave an uncertain look toward Greg, waiting for orders to cuff him. After a moment or two of thinking he gave a sigh and nodded, letting the female officer know he wanted Sherlock cuffed. Hesitantly she took the tall mans wrists and snapped on the silver chains.

"Sherlock Holmes you are under arrest for disrupting police business. You have the right to remain silent-" the woman spoke but was abruptly interrupted.

"Yes, I know my rights! Let's just get this over with" Sherlock groaned as he began to march forward, making his way down to the police car -still without a top.


"This is intolerable!" Sherlock yelled from his holding cell. He and John had been separated the moment they stepped foot into the yard. Sherlock had tried to protest his disgruntlement but Greg kept him moving before leaving him in this cold, dirty and pungent cell. He had been here nearly five hours without so much as a whisper from a guard-but someone did give him  a shirt that was two sizes too big and smelled of vomit. He felt his dignity split at the thought of wearing it but it was this or sit in the cold. He was going to go mad if he was left in their any longer.

Impatiently he began to pace the length of the grey floor, listening to every step, letting the click of heel toe heel toe bounce off the cell walls. Why on earth was he here? John, a murder! Sherlock has heard many uneducated suggestions before but that one takes the cake! Mentioning cake, he was sure Mycroft would have done something by now. What was the point of him if he didn't get him out of prison. Just like he stated aloud moments ago, this is intolerable!

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