Meeting Delyril

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I travel up the stone path and knock lightly on the door. I figure if the commoners aren't up then I shouldn't bother to wake them. But the elderly couple opens the door and invites me in.

"Well good morning miss," The man says. "Would you like some breakfast before you leave?"

"That won't be necessary, but thank you for your offer. I appreciate you kindness." I say to both of them. "There is nothing more I want, than for you to know, I thank you for your hospitality and this will not be forgotten. Here," I say pulling out my money, placing two golden coins into the woman's hand. "Take it."

"Oh, Isal! Look!" She says to him, eyes big and round.

"We couldn't possibly take this. We have done nothing to deserve it."

"Yes, my good sir, you have. You have helped Princess Saralith of Alagor in the search of her sister." And with that I walk out with a smile, ride off on my own horse towards my journey ahead.


Eventually, I come across a small town. It's dimly lit but many people are walking around. I get off Honsel to rent a stall.

"Hello, miss. How may I help such a pretty one such as yourself?"

"One stall and one room. That's all."

"Yes, mame. But there is one small problem. I just gave my last room to that guy over there." I follow his finger to another elf whose is very large and muscly. He carries two swords on his back and many daggers at his side. I grunt and ask if there are any other rooms.

"Sorry mame, but the only room available is this man's room. The other's already have two occupants. The next town is only 20 miles away and their inn's are much larger. I'm sure you can find a room there."

"It is late, I'll take the room, but tell him no funny business."


On my way to my room, I pass the man I saw earlier. He stares at me and grunts. I keep walking to the room and shut the door. I look to find that one bed has been untouched, while another is piled with two small bags. One with presumably clothes and the other with pans and I can see a leather back book poking out of the top.

I set my own bag down on the floor at the foot of my bed and lay down. The roof is made of straw and logs are holding up the celing. The window is dirty and the floor is paneled with splintering wood. The walls look a dirty beige that must have once been a cleanly white, long ago. Not to mention the scratchy, woolen blanket below me. To anyone else this would be a mess, but to me, this is home.

I drift off to sleep thinking about tomorrow and my sister. Oh, how beautiful she must look now.


I am awoken by loud laughing and fumbling in the hallway. I'll take a wild guess. It's my room mate, come back from the tavern. Not only is it him, but a few 'friends' too. They walk in and I guess they did not expect to see me asleep. Well, acting asleep. He shoos them away and wishes them a goodnight, apparently not trying to wake me.

I hear a soft plump of him falling onto his bed.

He speaks to me. "I know you are awake." he has a heavy Scottish accent.

I slowly open my eyes and turn towards him sitting up. "How did you know?" I ask.

"Your breathing pattern, and the fact that no one could have slept through all that noise." He gestures towards the hallways then twits his fingers around, like he's holding something small. His eyes never leaving his fingers.

'What's that? In your hand?"

"Oh, this?" He holds it up for me to see. Its a troll's dagger. "It's just a toy. It's like a scar, it never goes away but it also helps you remember why you have it in the first place."

"How-?" I begin.

"I fought in my wars, dear. Before you were born I bet. My first at age 4. Just a boy. And now I seek revenge on the one's who killed my mother and sisters."

"I too seek revenge. This person took someone dear to me. My sister. She was only 6." I start playing with my burnt orange hair. Braiding it, undoing it and braiding again.

"What's you name lass?" He asks in his heavy accent.

"Saralith." I hesitate.

"Delyril. Wait, you said, Saralith?" His voice holds the 'th' for many seconds.


"I have heard that name before. Almost 2 years ago.''

"Two years. My name. Not me, could it be? Two years." I think.

"It's a very common name." I lie.

"Not for a princess it's not." He sits up and I wince at the title. "A little far from home, don't you think?"

"No, I have no idea who you are taking about. I come from Greenwich in the kingdom of  Jusste. I know of no such person." I lie again.

''Okay, I believe you."


"Yes. Where are you headed?"


"I am too. I think my attacker has slaves there that I can get information from."

There was a long moment of silence between us. I turned away from him. I fell asleep to his humming and that tune, the tune seemed familiar.

**** Hey! I know, this was short too, but I promise they will get longer. Here's an idea on how I thought Delyril looks.  Type this in your search bar,

But you can imagine my characters however you want them to be.

Elven Sacrifices Book 1: Little FindingsWhere stories live. Discover now