And We Travel Through The Gordon Mountains

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Delyril and I are riding through the meadow, when I decide to show him what Hanson and I can do. I click my heels against the side of my chestnut colored horse and he speeds up. We stay on the path, but every once and a while venture off into the woods. I turn around just to make sure Delyril is not left behind.

I love the way the wind feels against my face when I'm riding. My orange colored hair, flowing in the wind. I take a deep breath, and hunch over and we somehow go faster if that was possible. 

After a few miles or so, I feel the need to give Hanson a break. We trot up to a small river bank, and Delyril announces we will be camping here for the night. I bundle my bag up for a pillow and start a fire. 

"We need more firewood." I say.

"I'll get it." Deylril offers. He gets up and walks over to me. "Don't go anywhere. We don't want you eaten by any trolls, now do we."

I shake my head.

"Good, I'll be right back." When he leaves I pull out Earol. My new sword.

I turn it in my hands. I love the way the flames bounce off the silver coloring of the sword. The orange flame and green of emerald contrast in such brilliance. I slide my hand down the shaft to the hilt. It has a woven appearance that makes the whole thing come together. I set Earol down next to me and fill two bowls with swine stew.

I hear a twig snap in the distance. It's too dark to see what it is. I presume its Delyril,back with the fire wood, but quickly change my mind when I hear a low growling noise. I stand up and grab Earol. I point my sword near the spot where I heard the growling. I slowly walk towards it. I see a large animal on all fours. It turns out to be an elk. 

But where did the growling come from, I wonder. Lowering my sword, I turn around to go back to camp, I wish no doing of harm to this or any animal. There is a low growling noise again, only this time, its closer. I turn again to find a large black wolf looking me in the eye. 

I slowly back away with my sword raised again. I back into a tree, trapped. Gulping down any heavy breaths I have, I close my eyes, ready for my death.

"That's enough Frey. Leave the girl alone." I hear a strong, low voice in the distance call. The wolf stops growling and steps back.

A tall, striking man walks up to me and holds his hand out. I take it and he helps me up.

"Umm," I stutter. "T-thanks, I guess."

He says nothing but nods his head. His dark hair covering one eye. Still holding my one hand he looks at me from head to toe, and grunts.

I'm speechless. I open my mouth to say something, but no noise comes out.

"I must ask," he finally says."Why do you wish to travel through the Gordon Mountains. They are cursed. Said to be warlocks, trolls,even humans with the power to control a certain objects, or element. Even the minds of any species alive. Elf or not." he looks me up and down again and lets go of my hand stepping back.

"Who are you?" I ask

"Ha," He laughs. "I am Ison. Prince of the Gordon Mountains. So I ask again. Why do you wish to pass through my territory?"

"I bring no harm, nor does my ally." I return, sheathing my sword. "But, I do wish to find my sister."

"Is that all you seek?" He asks looking at me with two eyes, one through his hair. 

"Yes, I beileve so. I have made it my life's mission to find my sister."

"And what if you fail?" I am stunned.

"Well, I, I-I haven't thought of that. I have been so sure of finding her." He just nods and turns, walking away. I too turn away.

"Oh, and don't trust him. Your friend." he calls over his shoulder.

"And why should I not?" I turn back to him, but there is no reply. He is already gone.

I make my way back to camp, only to find that Delyril has been looking for me. He has his sword out but is staying near the fire. When I walk into eyesight, he runs over to me and hugs me.

"I thought you were eaten by a troll," He says now holding me at arms length. "Why did you leave?"

"I had to pee." I lie.

He just looks at me awkwardly. Then shakes his head.

"Time to get some rest, it's late and we have to travel far tomorrow. The next town is 40 miles from here."

"Yeah," I say blandly. I am zoned out. I can't stop thinking about what Ison said. "Don't trust him. Your friend."

**** I've decided since my parts are so short, to only do a few of these endings every once and a while. I know people like to keep reading with no interruptions, so I will keep those to a minimum.  here's a picture. Just an idea on how Ison looks. Frey is in the picture too.            ****

Elven Sacrifices Book 1: Little FindingsWhere stories live. Discover now