The Last Story: Shipwrecked. (The Retelling of Chapter 16)

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"Yurick, here.." Mirania whispered. Yurick had to make little to no sound at all times in order to catch her naturally quiet voice; otherwise, the chance of missing it was one hundred percent. "I found a hole in the ship, I think we can get in through here." Mirania had decided to accompany Yurick as he set out to explore a shipwreck. He had spotted it near the edge of the island they had discovered.

The moment the hijacked Gurak warship touched sand, He knew he must find the truth: He must find his father's ship, and above that, he had to know whether his father had been stranded, or he had fled the village and abandoned his family. Of course, there was no solid proof that the ship on this island was his fathers, but Yurick had a strong feeling that burned within his hardened heart.

Mirania, sensing Yurick's stress and worry, knew she must protect him. He who has a troubled heart also fights with weakened strenghth. The pair carefully slid through the broken wood, landing in a foot of water. Pulling himself and Mirania onto the dry, cracked floor, Yurick quickly examined the room, looking for a door. "Looks like we might have to find another path." He now held out his hand which was consumed with flames he had summoned from his Prominence power. He used the flames to dry what he could of himself and Mirania. "No, I think I see a path behind all that rubble." Mirania exclaimed, as she walked to where years of abandonment had left pillars, that once held up the ship, broken and on the ground, untouched. "Should we try moving it?" She asked, curiously. "No." Answered Yurick. "We dont know how sturdy the ship is, and any heavy movement might cause the ship to collapse. I don't want to end up like those pillars. Let's try climbing around it, as gently as we can. Be careful, Mirania."

Together, they climbed over the pile of broken wood, and indeed came face to face with a door. Slowly and quitely, Yurick pushed the door open, letting it lightly hit the wall as it could open no more. Mirania took the first step, but as she did, Yurick could hear a soft click and a rip, from what sounded like thin rope not being able to keep the promise of staying knotted, and a large sack fell from the ceiling. A trap. "Mirania!!" Yurick yelled in warning, but she already knew. The sack hung in the door way, barely missing her. "Shall we continue?" Mirania was calm and cool, and unknowing of Yurick's concern and shock.

They did, however, continue into the depths of the ship. Neither of them spoke, but walked side by side quietly. Half of the floor had rotted away, they could see, and water came up in place of wood. Thankfully a jagged, but sturdy, path remained. Wind seeped from the sides of the ship, and made a soft humming sound. The water was also calm, and made almost no noise. But there was something else too... clicking. Fast paced and quiet. Then the clicking grew slower, but louder. And right overhead. "Mirania... Do you hear that?" Yurick breathed. "Yes, I think something is above us." He adjusted his eyepatch, nervously.

Suddenly, the ceiling above them cracked and busted, falling to the pairs feet, and two, blue-purple, and hideous crabs.. crabs, easily Yurick's height, crawled through the hole and clung to the ceiling. "Damn!" Cried Yurick as he drew his sword. Mirania, bravely, ran towards Yurick.. "Stay inside my heal circle, you can fight them from there!" Before Yurick knew it, Mirania had created a heal circle right below him, and was hovering in the air, holding the magic circle for as long as she could.

The first crab lunged towards Yurick, clapping its claws furiously. Even though Yurick was more practiced in magic, he could use a sword wonderfully, as well. He slashed at the disgusting creature, cutting through its thick shell-like skin. The crab's wounds began oozing a dark purple liquid, and Yurick was sure it was not blood. As long as he stayed in Mirania's circle, it couldn't hurt him, whatever it was.

The crab, injured, backed off, giving Yurick the perfect opportunity to crouch down, position his sword upright, and plow it deep into the crab's underside the moment it lunged again. The first crab was dead. The second, even fatter and nastier than the first, began to make its way to Yurick. By now, Mirania had created a new circle, unable to hold the first one any longer. But Yurick had forgot the range of her magic, and stepped outside of the circle. He fought the beast hard, but had not hurt it much. This crab, much like the first, expelled a deep purple, light liquid, but it did so on its own. Yurick had not even cut it open yet.

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