This is how we say if something is this then do this other wise do this instead. But One thing you need to know before we go any further is indentation. This is how python separates code why is hard to explain right now but I'll tell you how to do it
#code start
Example = input("type here: ")
If Example = stuff:
print("ooooh stuff")
print("no stuffs here")
#code end
Notice the indents using only one tab you need to do this after every conditional this is because after each conditional statement requires a : and a : requires one indent per : I could have a
If this = this:
If that = that:
print("I'm indented twice")
Let me show you some conditionals that have proper indentation.
#code start
Loop = False
While not Loop:
Answer = Input("Keep going?: ")
If Answer = yes:
Print("One more time!")
Loop = True
Conditionals have a bit too them just remember a : at the end and to push tab and you should be fine. I'll make a conditional table so you will know everything that needs a tab and what that condition does.