Harry Styles as Harry aka Kims mothers boyfriend
Sorry to all Harry fans, I also like him but I found it funny because of the names.
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"Ms. Spencer!", I opened my eyes and lifted my head. I blinked and saw my teacher in front of me. "Are you awake now or do you still sleep IN MY CLASS?", she shouted the last part and the class started snickering. I glared at them and they all became quiet. That's one of the good things, when you are popular and everyone fears your brother.
Then I turned my head to Mrs. Stewart, my math teacher, who is one of the strictest teachers of our school. "I have to say, your observation skills are amazing. I am awake now and I slept in your class!", I became angry because I couldn't sleep this night.
Mrs. Stewart looked at me angry and squinted her eyes "Detention, Ms. Spencer!" With that, she continued the lesson and I laid my head back on the table and started thinking about my life.
My name is Kimberly Spencer, but my friends call me Kim. I'm 17 years old and I am in my senior year of high school. Only one year left in hell. The name of this hell is Woodstock High School. As I already mentioned I'm popular and I have amazing friends. You probably think that I'm one of this bitchy and happy girls. Wrong! I'm not a bitch. I try to be always nice and I try to don't be mean. And I'm maybe never happy. I'm depressive. My parents are divorced and my father already has a new girlfriend. She's 28 years old. Very young and she acts like a slut. I mean which girl is together with a 45 years old man, who has a daughter. And the cherry on top is that my father cheated on my mother with this slut. Oh, and about my mother. She sleeps with a lot men and has a lot boyfriends. But the worst part is that this men sometimes fondle me. That makes me sick. But what can I do? My mother doesn't care and this men are too strong for me. I also have a brother. He is in prison and will be there for a looong time. So yes, that's my life. That's the life I live. Sucks to be me.
The bell brought me out of my thoughts and I started to pack my things. So that was the first day of my senior year. Nothing really changed after the holidays. My friends are still my friends and we are still popular. I'm still a cheerleader and I still get respect from everyone, ok not from everyone. The bad boys of this school don't respect me but that's ok. The bad boys are four boys, who never care about something but they somehow managed to come into their last year of high school. Some people guess that they're in a gang but no one really knows. The names of this boys are Clyde, Larry, John and of course their leader Chance Dawson. Chance can have every girl and I bet he had almost every girl already. But me he would never get. Do you know why? Of course he's hot but he's bad news and I already have too many men in my life so I don't need another one in it.
When I left the classroom, I remembered that I had detention now. Detention already on my first day. Great! I wondered if the bad boys would be in detention, too. I mean they have almost every day detention. I walked to the parking lot and searched for my best friend, Clarice. She wanted to take me to the mall today but since I had detention I couldn't and I needed to tell her. When I saw her, she wasn't alone. She stood there with her boyfriend Kody.
Clarice and Kody are couple goals. They are together since sophomore year. Yes, since one and a half year. He isn't in our school anymore because he is two years older. When we were in sophomore year, he was already a senior. But they are cute together. Also when I once heard that he and Chance are friends outside of school.
As soon as Clarice noticed me, she squealed and ran to me. Kody chuckled and shook his head in amusement. Clarice hugged me tight "I'm so excited for our mall day!" I shove her away and greeted Kody, who nodded his head as a hello. "Clarice, we need to cancel our mall day", I said in a sad tone while I looked at the ground. "Why?", she sounded very sad that I would reject her. I started fiddling with my hands "Yeah, as you see, I got detention" She looked at me in disbelieve "What? You got detention on your first day? What happened to the good Kim?" I was embarrassed, she was right, I was always the good one and now I got detention. I sighed "Yes, I got detention and I should go now and get that sh*t behind me" Clarice laughed "Have fun and we can have the mall day another day" I smiled and headed back into school and made my way to the detention room.

In Possession Of Him (IPOH)
Teen FictionHighest rank in Teen Fiction: #238 (09/11/2017) "Who do you think you are?", Chance screamed at me. "I am Kimberly Spencer, 17 years old, my parents are divorced and I got almost raped by a lot of people". "Who is Griseo?", I asked him dumbfounded...