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"Who do you think you are?", Chance screamed at me and the others looked behind me and got a scared look on their face.

I didn't turn around and just answered his damn question "I am Kimberly Spencer, 17 years old, my parents are divorced and I got almost raped by a lot of people".

All of the people in front of had a shocked expression while they looked at Chance. I didn't turn around and went through the mansion till I found the garden.

This garden was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. After his eyes. His eyes, which held so many emotions when he was around me but none when others were there. His eyes, which made me feel at home.

I was so in thoughts that I only noticed Chance next to me when he put his arm around my waist. I looked at him and his eyes held tears.

The bad boy's eyes held tears. Why??

He looked away and I removed his arm from my waist and moved in front of him "Chance?" He blinked his eyes and a tear escaped his eye. I removed it before I registered what I did. Chance smiled a little bit and took my hands in his hands "I'm so sorry, baby".

Never before in his life he apologized to everyone, how I know? Remember my brother? Who is in jail? Yes? Well, he was or still is the worst enemy of Chance. And I don't mean the gang business because I didn't know that Chance is in one. But Chance gets always compared to my brother in school and he wants to be better than him. So my brother never apologized and cried, so Chance will never apologize and cry. Just because of one thing both ever apologized and cried. And that's me.

But I couldn't just forgive him for what he did and would have done. "Why?", my voice was quiet and almost a whisper.

Chance closed his eyes, took a deep breath and held my hands to his heart, the beat was so fast. "Sometimes I can't control my demons but you bring out the best in me. But also the worst!", his grip around my hands tightend and his breath quickened.

I stepped on my tip toes and pressed a little kiss against his cheek "Just don't let it happen again".

His eyes opened fast and his light grey eyes boomed into mine. Chance smiled "It won't. But I need to go to a meeting so just go to sleep already!"

I looked at him confused "How late is it?" "10:50pm" I didn't even noticed it since his garden was under a lot of lightning.

We went into the house and he brought me to my room before saying goodbye.

I was so tired that I just changed into my sleeping things and went to bed. I instantly fell asleep.

A loud growl made me wake up. It came from outside and was so scary that I sprang from the bed and into a fighting position. The growl became louder and it seemed like my fear made it louder.

I was so curious that I wanted to walk downstairs but in front of my door stood Larry "Stay inside of your room!". Did he really think that I would listen "Where is Chance?" "Go inside again!" Ha, no!

I pushed him away with so much force that he really stumbled out of my way, I took the chance and started to run.

When I reached the stairs, I was pushed against the wall and Clarice looked at me furious "Why did you leave your room? Larry told you to stay inside!" I couldn't believe my ears. Did she really stand on their side? "Sorry, but there is a loud growl coming from outside and it was right under my window! I just want to look" "No! You will walk to your room now and lock yourself in it and only come out when the sun rised!"

Wtf!? No! I pushed her away and she stumbled back and looked at me shocked "Why are you so strong?" I was confused but it even confused me more that she took a step back and bowed before me. But I couldn't care less now, I needed to go outside.

When I reached the door, the growl came back and I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to go outside now. But something made me move and I was outside.

The growl was really loud now and I looked around to find the reason. I thought it would be a dog or so. When I saw nothing but heard the growl come from the woods.

I walked to the woods and when I reached a few bushes, I saw grey eyes looking at me. I took some steps back but stumbled over a branch and fell on my back. The pain shot through my body and I groaned while closing my eyes.

When I opened them again, the grey eyes were right above me but they didn't scare me anymore because they held so much love in them. But I then took in the whole body above me.

It was a wolf. A black wolf. A black wolf with grey eyes. I was shocked and really shocked.

The wolf snuggled his nose into my neck and snuffled. Then I heard a different voice in my head "Mine". The voice was dark and sounded mean but so good. I reached my hand to pat him and his fur was so smooth. "Finally Griseo meets his mate"

"Who is Griseo?", I asked him dumbfounded.

"Griseo am I. Griseo is Kimberly's mate. Griseo is a wolf. Chance's wolf. Griseo is Chance and Chance is Griseo".

My eyes became wide. "Is Chance a werewolf? Are you his demon?"

Griseo looked down sad "Yes. Griseo is the so called monster".

Oh god. Please let it be a dream.

A/n: Hey.

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And about Chance being a werewolf?

To the next time ♡

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