Chapter 3

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After school, Baekhyun watched the kids leaving while he looked around for Sehun and Jongin. However, it was Sehun who found him. Without a word, Sehun walked up behind him and stared down at him.

He paused, it still bothered him, Baekhyun's astounding resemblance to Mr. Byun. It really was extraordinary. Their eyes, their lips, their nose. Everything was identical.

Sehun always thought Mr. Byun was a very attractive man, and his thoughts of Baekhyun's appearance were no different. Except, he did find Baekhyun to be slightly more attractive, considering he looked so young and all. It was only natural he would feel this way.

Sehun couldn't help but spend a moment looking at him, even if he couldn't see his face well. Baekhyun really was adorable, especially with his pink hair. He wondered if he would begin to rival him in popularity, or better yet, replace him entirely. Sehun really hated all the attention he got.

He tapped on Baekhyun's shoulder and Baekhyun turned to face him with surprise. He smiled brightly once he recognized Sehun.

"Hi Sehun!"

"That's Sehun hyung to you." Sehun smiled.

This is something they had discovered during lunch, that Sehun was one month "older." It amused Baekhyun endlessly to even think of calling Sehun his hyung. He bit his lip and smiled to himself before uttering those words for the first time.

"Oh, right, sorry Sehun hyung."

After joining up with Jongin, they made their way over to Baekhyun's car. Baekhyun had informed them that he drove to school, and they could just take his car instead of waiting for Jongin's dad. Baekhyun knew they would probably recognize it, but he had an excuse in his mind to explain why he had it.

"My Uncle sold it to my Parents before he moved." Baekhyun explained upon the expected recognition of the vehicle.

Sehun stared at Baekhyun curiously as he sat down in the front seat, he wasn't convinced, there was something fishy going on. Jongin however seemed satisfied with that answer, being delighted with the idea of riding in a luxurious car every day, regardless of the reason. He relaxed in the backseat and let out a happy sigh.

"Seriously, I wish my dad had a car like this."

Baekhyun laughed a little, "Min-"

He abruptly stopped himself before he could finish the sentence 'Minseok would never let him.' Instead, he tried to come up with a different statement using the same sounds.


Sehun looked over at him, "What?"

"Care for a mint?" Baekhyun asked nervously.

"...Sure." Sehun responded, a little puzzled with the random offer, especially since it started with laughter.

Baekhyun quickly dug through his center console to find an old container, and handed each of them a mint. Baekhyun nervously sighed and ate one himself as well.

Once they made it to Jongin's house, Minseok was surprised to see Baekhyun arrive home with his son. Baekhyun brought a finger to his mouth, signaling Minseok to stay quiet about it.

"...Who's your new friend?" Minseok asked playing along.

"This is Baekhyun, apparently he's Mr. Byun's nephew."

"Oh, is he? I definitely see the resemblance." Minseok laughed.

Once they put down their school bags and started getting comfortable, Minseok got Baekhyun's attention and mouthed the words 'What are you doing here?'

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