Chapter 5

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Clay's P.O.V 

The day was approaching. The day that Bryce Walker would be a free man. Hannah was chewing her nails at the dinner table, her plate almost untouched as her eyes moved around every inch of the room, her mind completely ablaze and restless. Her mom and dad kept trying to make conversation with me because they knew they weren't going to get a word out of Hannah, but i could only give them short answers as i couldn't concentrate on anything seeing Hannah like that. When everyone had finished their meal and Hannah's plate was still brimming with food her mom spoke up. "Hannah honey, I know your not a little kid anymore but aren't you going  to eat?" She asked, her face hanging concerned and her eyes full of pity. Hannah didn't even notice her mother was talking to her. The only thing she had eaten all day was her fingernails and her throat must of been dry considering she had barely said anything all day. "Hannah" I said reaching across the table and putting my hand on top of hers. She blinked widely and stared around at the table of people watching her nervously. "What?" she asked obliviously. Her mom stood up and took up mine and Mr Baker's plates. "Nothing baby." Mrs Baker said, grabbing Hannah's plate too and heading into the kitchen. I offered to help her but Mrs Baker shook her head and quietly said "Just take care of Hannah tonight Clay.". She patted my shoulder, laden with plates and worry and Mr Baker withdrew from the table to help his wife with the dishes. Hannah returned to her vacant gazing and nail chewing as we both sat opposite each other, silence befalling the table. I took both her hands and kissed them gently, her eyes going to mine. They were very blue today. I could always tell when Hannah was upset because her eyes would gloss over with unescaped tears and that always exaggerated the colouring of them. I smiled at her softly, trying my best not to look condescending or "cliche'" as she would always tell me. She didn't smile back but her expression did change from vacant to slightly less vacant which was a good sign. "Come on Han." I said standing up, pulling her with me . She stood slowly, walking round the table with no energy or flair. She was just empty. I pulled her into me and she put her head on my chest as we walked up the stairs to her old room. 'Thank you Mrs Baker!" I shouted as me and Hannah reached her door. 

Hannah's P.O.V

My old room hadn't changed much. It didn't have any of my ornaments or jewellery boxes in it anymore but it still had my rug and my bed and the walls were still the same colour. My old posters had been taken down but they had been replaced with family photos and you could still see the sticker marks on the back of door where it used to say Hannah. It might not of been the same but its was still comforting and it was still home and the once teenaged boy who had become a part of the room was still there now too. Clay wasn't going anywhere anytime soon and the routine of him just being there steadied me and anchored me to the ground so i didn't fly away again, falling into myself. Clay walked through the door sitting on the bed, the springs squeaking slightly. I lay next to him, resting my legs on his lap sighing. "Tomorrow is going to be pretty shit isn't it?" I said. It was the most amount of words i had said all day. Clay looked at me sighing. 'Yep." he said falling back onto the bed making it squeak much louder. I chuckled a little. 'Not even going to bullshit me a little bit for comfort?" I said jokingly trying to find his had on the duvet and lacing my fingers between his. 'What's the point in giving you a false sense of security? That would be pretty cliche don't you think." He said winking at me stupidly. I rolled my eyes at him, a small smile escaping which i hadn't expected. I realised it had formed and i put it away quickly. Clay sat up moving over to me and putting his arms to each of my sides, hanging over me like he was going to do a press up. "Why do you always do that?" He said as i looked up at him from my position underneath. "Do what?" I said messing with his hair. "You get happy and then stop like its a bad thing, like you're not aloud to be." I sighed moving him off me gently as i sat up. "I'm just scared Clay." i said, the though of Bryce being able to walk the streets tomorrow making my skin crawl. He sat up next to me and put his hand on my leg softly. "I know Han. I know" He said letting me rest my head on his shoulder. "I know just the cure for this!" He said sarcastically standing up from the bed, making me flop down onto the covers. "What?" I groaned already aware that it was going to be a dump idea. "Boardgames." He said grinning and raising his eyebrows suggestively. 'What?" I laughed shaking my head, sitting up on my elbows. "come on where do you store you boardgames?" He said routing through my cupboards. I rolled my eyes. "We don't have any boardgames Clay." I said. He looked at me like i had just disrespected his family. "WHAT!" He shouted, completely overcome with shock. I laughed a lot louder now. "We don't have any!" "How can you don't have boardgames! What did you do your whole childhood!" He said dumbfounded. I got up walking over to my desk drawer, pulling out a pack of cards. "This is the closest thing i have dork. Now are we playing or not?" I smiled handing him the cards whilst he took them reluctantly, shuffling them and muttering things like 'Cant believe you've not got boardgames." or "Ridiculous" under his breath, evoking a lot of involuntary laughter.

Clay's P.O.v

We sat cross legged on her floor playing Go Fish which wasn't exactly my plan. I was hoping to play something a little more exciting like operation or something but this was the best we had and i just wanted to distract Hannah from what tomorrow was going to bring. "Um okay got any 8's? She asked me, flipping through her cards. I looked through my deck, no eights to be seen. "Go fish" I said smugly. She took a card from the pile, placing it in her collection. "Okay got any 5's?" I asked her seeing that i only needed one more to get a point. I watched her eyes scan her selection and stop on one card. The corners of her mouth turned up a little but she managed to straighten up her smile before answering. "Go fish." She said quickly, then tucking her hair behind her ear avoiding eye contact with me. What I liar i thought to myself. I decided to stare her out, waiting for her to crack. She was one of the worst liars i had ever met and knew it was only a matter of time before she broke. I looked at her, raising my eyebrows. She tried her best to avoid looking at me, pretending to be checking her cards but i could see her fighting a grin and she bit her lip which was one of her biggest giveaways. "Hannah..." I said as i watched the smile forming slowly. "what?" she managed to get out. "You for sure have a 5." I said. She looked at me dropping her mouth. "I do not! Are you calling me a liar?" She said using her false shocked expression to mask the grin growing on her face. "Yes thats exactly what I'm calling you. Prove it and show me your deck." I said moving over to her. She moved away "No way then the game will be over because you will have seen all of my cards." She said. I rolled my eyes "Fine" I said lunging at her trying to grab onto her cards as she stood up jumping onto her bed. I jumped up too grabbing her arms as she fought against me laughing and squealing. I grabbed her hand prising the cards out of her fingers. "Claayy! You are ruining the game" She said trying to hold on as bests she could but i managed to get them and i flicked through her deck. I saw three 5's in her deck and i threw them all at her laughing. "You are a cheat!" I said next to her ear. She came closer to my face "Tell me about it." She said smugly, our lips connecting passionately, surrounded in playing cards in her old room and i very much felt like i was in high school again.

Hannah and Clay: Loving Her Back to LifeWhere stories live. Discover now