Chapter 7

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Clay's P.O.V

I need Hannah Baker. I need Hannah like fish need water and people need air. I need her smile and her laugh and i need to see her beautiful face looking at me everyday. After 4 years together that has never been clearer to me. I like to think that Hannah needs me too. This is what I thought about as she cried into my shirt, her breathing erratic and her pain cracking my heart slowly. Why did this stuff happen to her? Why does it always have to be her? Hannah doesn't deserve this and she never will. I had just told her about Bryce in the store and the ledge that she had already been precariously hanging over crumbled. She grabbed my shirt tightly and i hugged her close to me, her hair cascading softly down her back. I kissed the top of her head and traced my hand over her arm to calm her down. "Come on, lets what a movie." I said softly, jumping from the countertop and grabbing her waist, pulling her down too. She took my hand shakily and we walked into the living room to put something on. We sat down together, Hannah grabbing a blanket and putting it over both of us and putting her head on my chest and wrapping her arm over my stomach. I put my arm around her shoulder and squeezed her gently. Hannah flicked through the movie selection and every time i saw one i wanted to watch she would laugh and tell me i was basic. "Oh come on Han you cannot say no to Notting Hill that is a classic" I argued jokingly. "Clay you are actually such a girl when it comes to movies. We are not watching anything starring Julia Roberts, Rachel McAdams or Reece Wetherspoon okay." She said laughing, still sliding through the movie options her TV company had to offer. "Here we go." She said selecting one and lying back, snuggling into my shoulder. "Are you kidding me? I can't have Notting Hill but you can put Harry Potter on for the 1000th time." I said flicking her cheek teasingly. "Shut up we're watching it." She laughed warmly. I pulled the blanket up to her neck and held her hand comfortingly. She was so beautiful. I just couldn't stop looking at her sometimes. She kept turning round, seeing me watch her and she would roll her eyes and tell me to watch the movie. I didn't need a movie, all i needed was Hannah and i realised that i had to do something about that. 

The movie ended and Hannah had fallen asleep, her head laying peacefully on my shoulder. I stroked her cheek gently and she didn't stir. I got up from the couch carefully, holding Hannah and laying her down horizontally, putting the blanket over her and kissing her forehead. I had something i needed to do. I pulled some paper from her printer in the study and wrote her note telling her i had gone to get pizza in case she woke up didn't know where i had gone. I put the note down on the coffee table and grabbing my coat, i walked out onto the street. It was around four o' clock and the sun was starting to set, the sky awash with pinks and reds, swirled through white clouds. I walked down the road heading to the main part of town thinking of Hannah.

Hannah's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open, and natural light wormed its way into my vision. I look around at the living room, little lamps lit everywhere and i looked out the window. It was dark outside and i searched the room for Clay. He wasn't there. "Hey Clay?" I shouted groggily from my nap but he didn't answer. I rubbed my eyes and my eyes caught a glimpse of a little piece of paper on the coffee table.

Dear Hannah, Just running to get Pizza, won't be long. Love you xx

I put it back down and smiled softly. I didn't know when Clay had written the note so i wasn't sure when he had left or would be back. I sat up on the couch, putting some old friends episodes on, not really watching them but wanting some background noise so that the house wasn't creepy and quiet. A few more minutes passed and Clay emerged through the door, two pizza boxes in hand and a smile. "Hey have a good nap?" He said coming over to me. I laughed at him squeezing his cheeks stupidly "Your so cute" I said like an old lady in a mall. I went to grab a box but he pulled it away quickly, raising his eyebrows. "What?" I said smiling. "Come on Hannah you've been in all day. Lets go eat this some place cool." He said grinning at me. I closed my eyes into slits and furrowed my brow. "What are you up to Jenson?' I said. "Nothing now come on, i know where to go." He laughed pulling me up from my comfortable position which i took no time to complain about. We headed out the door, pizza in hand into the starry night. The smell of the pizza was extremely tempting and i kept trying to sneak a piece but Clay kept catching me and shutting the box telling me off. "Seriously where are you taking me?" I asked him as we walked down the road, lit dimly with old street lights and cars with broken tail lights. "You'll see he said smugly as we started approaching main street town. I could see my parents store in sight and i was really hoping to wasn't some kind of party my parents had organised to cheer me up especially considering a party at a pharmacy would be extremely sad. I was glad when we passed the store and didn't go in but i waved through the window at my parents as we passed. We passed Monets and didn't go in there either and by this point i knew where we were going considering there wasn't very many places to hang out in this town. "Clay are we going to the Crestmont?" I asked, taking his hand because mine were freezing. "Yes." He said smiling. "Okay what movie are we watching?" i asked as we approached the doors of the theatre but it was closed. "Ugh Clay i think your spontaneous date idea is bust. The place is shut." I sad pointing to the sign hanging from the door. He still smiled cutely and squeezed my hand in his. "I didn't come to watch a movie. I wanna go on the roof." He said as he started climbing the stairs on the fire escape. I watched him laughing and slightly shocked. I had never seen him do anything rebellious like this. "Come on" He said stopping and gesturing to me. 'Okay but Clay is this not like trespassing if the place is shut?" I asked starting to climb too. "Nah its okay i cleared with our old manager earlier." He said reaching the top and offering me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up onto the roof. I forgot how much i loved that spot. Feeling loser to the sky and feeling part of the stars gave me a beautiful weightlessness. Clay helped me over the top, keeping my balance like he had done years ago as i swung my legs over and dangled them from the roof of the movie theatre. Clay handed me my pizza box which had now gone cold. I didn't really mind, i was happy so the pizza didn't need to be warm. 'Oh so am i aloud to eat now?" I asked biting my lip. "Yes yes you may." said Clay opening his own box and taking a bite out of his pizza. The sky was alive and so was I. I looked over at Clay and he was already looking at me. "Hannah, you are the most beautiful person i have ever known do you know that?" He said grinning. I could feel myself blushing and i looked at the floor smiling. "Hannah, you know that I love you and i want to keep loving you for the rest of my life." I looked back up to give him a kiss but when my eyes moved up to him he was holding a box. A box with a ring. "I need you Hannah Baker. Will you marry me?" I put my hands over my mouth, tears welling in eyes as i looked at the only guy who has ever been there for me. The only guy who has ever wanted me for me. The only guy i have ever loved and the only guy who has ever loved me. I let the tears roll down my cheeks. "Yeh. Yeh I will Clay." I yelled grabbing his face with my hands, our lips colliding infinitely, the stars seeming to fall down around us and surround us in light. We pulled apart and he took the ring from the box, pushing it onto my finger, the biggest smile i had ever seen spreading across his face. I giggled as i looked at the ring. It wasn't huge and it wasn't small. It was beautiful but i didn't care about the ring. I loved Clay and I could see the two teenagers who once sat up here watching the moon together awkwardly wanting more than just the friendship we shared and now we were here and we were together it we were perfectly in love.

Clay's P.O.V

We got back to Hannah's parents house much later that night. We walked into the kitchen still giddy from the engagement. Hannah stood against the wall and i walked over to her. "Hey Han i think we should go back to New York soon. Get away from this place." I said my hands on her waist, our foreheads touching. "I agree" She said biting her lip seductivly. I picked her up from her waist and she giggled as our lips met passionately. We fell back against the kitchen counter and i sat her on the work top, my mouth finding its way to her neck and my hands in her hair. We both breathed heavily, heat exchanging between us and everything in the world correcting itself beautifully.


I was going to post this tomorrow but I just couldn't wait. Hope you enjoy xxx 

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