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You might think you don't matter in this world,
but because of you someone has a favourite mug to drink their tea out of each morning that you bought them.
Someone hears a song on the radio and it reminds them of you.
Someone has read a book you recommended to them and gotten lost in its pages.
Someone's remembered a joke you told them and smiled to themselves on the bus.
Someone's tried on a top and felt beautiful because you complimented them on it.
Someone has a memory that makes them grin that involve you.
Someone now like themselves a little bit more because you made a passing comment that made them feel good.
Never think you don't have an impact.
Your fingerprints can't be wiped away from the little marks of kindness that you've left behind.


Author's note:

Okay, so I have no words to explain this quote. Its soooo my beautiful and soothing.

I think this is the best I've ever got and published here. And its the longest I've ever posted here.

I hate that I don't know who has written such amazing lines.

Never think you don't matter to anyone. Someboyldy is always there for you, caring for you and thinking about you.

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Hope you had a nice day.



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