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We are all amazing.
The only thing is, we have to find it.
Discover it.
Find out what is it that we are amazing at.
It could be nothing.
Writing. Talking. Cooking. Jumping.
It doesn't matter.
Some people are amazing at nothing.
Ask Jerry and Larry.
Its the pursuit that makes it worth it.
Of what do we like?
What do we hate?
What we can adjust to?
And what can we adopt?
There's no right answer.
There's no wrong answer.
There's just the amazing and the constant pursuit of it.
It is the curiosity that we tickle.
It is the curiosity that we fuel.

It is the curiosity that we serve.
And we'll always ask one question
"What's next?"


Author's note:

These lines were printed on the last page of my notebook.

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Hope you had an amazing day.



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