Gummy Bear

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Ever woke up on the right side of the bed all fresh & bright like, today is my day! with a hundred watt smile on your face?

And the next instant, you step down on a lego & limp like a psychotic kangroo holding your foot,crying out profanities.

To top it with, your huge ass just tips off somebodys favourite antique vase in the room while doing your little kangaroo stunt ?

Yeah, welcome to the world of Ms.Imperfect.

Oh crap, he is going to garland me.

"Can you cut the crap of hullabo in the room & get down here for breakfast?" he sounds pissed.

Oh! He always is pissed with my existence.

"Sure stinky poo. After you leave! " I jump back into my bed.

  Die! okay, I ain't coming down to look at your poopy miserable face even if I have to starve to death.

Yeah, just my overdramatic self.

*eye roll*

Ah. Just another day with Mr.know-it-all-grumpy-ox-stinky-ass-monkey-face.

I lay my back on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

So, where do I begin from ? Oh, yes! the day when life turned poopey.

Four Months Earlier

Such a peaceful dream, with floating jellos & flying caramellos.

Oh oh! and look, there are gummy bear space ships. Pink, purple and yellow.

I drool on my pillow dreaming about candy land & food everyday. Nothing new,just me.

A loud blaring bomb explodes next to me as I  dreamy drool.

Peep peep peep 7 bloody AM

The monstrous creature in an alarms costume mercilessly destroys my ear bud with its full blaring noise.

"Shut the fruit up!!" I screech through pillows clutched tightly around my ears.

Yeah, I have a thing against swearing. I don't do that, instead I just substitute . Unless really necessary.

The alarm doesn't give up. And continues damaging my precious dream.

The gummy bear ship disintegrates due to the inhumane decible level emanated by my bed side monster.

"Nooo! You moron! Look what you've done to my gummy bear ship!!" I sleepily throw a pillow at the defenseless alarm clock which tumbles down with a thud to switch off.

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