Safe with us

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I see a little girl trapped behind a door. I break down the door and lift her up it my arms and give her a cloth to cover her mouth. I run over to the other little girl and give her and cloth and lift her up in my other arm. By this point I  having trouble breathing and I'm coughing alot but I rush to get the girls out. I get them out of the house and they run over to their parents and that's when I hear a baby crying from inside. I take a deep breath and rush inside.

For a few minutes I can't find the baby and then I see a little boy crying in his crib. I lift him up and run out of the house. Their parents rush up to me and take the baby away from me and I fall the the ground. The paramedics rush to the kids first. I take a few deep breaths and they rush over to me and lift me into a stretcher and drive me to the hospital.

I wake up after a horrible nightmare my head snapping up. I open my eyes and see nobody in my gray hospital room. How long have I been out.

There is a breathing mask on my mouth and a tube going inside my lung. The doctor walks in with a smile.

"How are you miss Swan?" He asks.

I shake my head and he smiles.

"Okay great we need to bring you into your second surgery for you second lung, see you soon." He says as everything goes black.

I wake up with no breathing mask and I'm not attached to anything I look around the room and then see the doctors standing at the door smiling at me.

"How are you feeling Miss. Swan?" Asks the nurse.

"I think so." I say and smile at her.

"Okay well we will talk about you surgeries." She says as the three of them walk in.

"This is your surgeon and your doctor. We did a small surgery to drain out all of the smoke you inhaled and you should be ready to leave today." She says.

"That's amazing." I say excitedly.

"Have a nice day Miss. Swan." She says and they walk out.

I stand up and get changed into the clothes they gave me which are just some leggings and a large sweater. I put on my shoes and walk down the hall and hear the door open and I see Haley, Henry, Amily and Killian walking in.

"Hi sorry we haven't come sooner can we see Emma Swan? " Asks Killian.

"She was just let out." She said.

I caugh and they turn around to face me. The kids run up to me and hug me carefully. I didn't know how much my lungs hurt until they hugged me. I groan and they pull away quickly. I smile.

"Mom what happened?" Asks Henry.

"Nothing." I say quietly brushing my hair away from my face.

"Mom common." Complains Haley.

I role my eyes and giggle a little. I see the family I saved watching me with huge smiles. The little girls wave me over. I walk over and get down on my knees and they hug me carefully, I hug them and their parents have tears in their eyes.

"Thank you so much." They say after their kids pull away.

"No problem." I say with a huge smile. "Have a nice day."

I walk back to my very confused family and I see Killian smiling down at me I stand up on my tippy toes and kiss him teasingly and run out of the hospital. I run around the corner and bite my lip as I try and catch me breath.

I feel my back him the wall and Killian's lips on mine. I put my hands up to his neck and kiss him back deeply. I pull away and hug him tightly not wanting to ever let go.

"Let me go!" I hear Haley yell.

I pull away quickly and run around the corner and see Henry tickling her. She falls to the ground with a thump but keeps on laughing. I smile to myself. I'm at happy she is safe with us all.

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