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Goldie's POV:

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Goldie's POV:

I don't like the way Freddy was looking at y/n. I am sitting backstage with a sleeping y/n. She looks so peaceful when she is asleep. I know I forgave Freddy, but this is something new. He is always looking at her with this look in his eyes... one that sets me on edge... it isn't anger or disgust or anything negative... I know that... but it isn't just him. I sometimes catch that look from Bonnie and Foxy, and even Marionette sometimes. Chica has it too, but in a different way. But it is there. I wonder... do I ever have that look in my eyes?

????? pov:
entering y/n's dream was a breeze. Such a deep sleep has given her mind a lot of roaming space for dreaming. Slinking in, I am in the pizzeria. This should be interesting... I will hang back and watch... for now. The animatronics are coming in.... turning human... and conversing with her. She smiles, but as they talk, her smile fades to one of fear. All animatronics now have pitch black eyes with tiny pinprick pupils. Black goop is seeping out and reaching like tenticals towards her. She screams and runs as the animatronics lunge at her. I should probably step in now... I turn human and step from my hiding place, which happens to be right where she is running. She bumps into my chest suddenly and I heat up a little.
"Follow me..." (hint hint) I say and grab her small hand. We run into the arcade room and I ram the door shut.

y/n pov:
The animatronics went crazy! Why are they doing this? they were so friendly, and I thought that I even made new friends.... will I have to go back to protecting myself in the office? What will I do on my day shift?! Thoughts run through my head as I run. Suddenly, a figure comes out right in front of me and I run into a chest.
"Follow me." he says and grabs my hand. He leads me to the arcade room and slams the door and locks it. We stand huffing for a second. I look up. The boy has short, dirty blonde hair that looks like he just rolled out of bed. He is wearing a ripped green-gold dressshirt with red and blue suspenders. He has a brown-yellow long tail coat. His pants are ripped at the knees and black. His black dress shoes are scuffed and dirty. Black stains run down his right eye, looking like dripping oil that has dyed the skin black. He has silver eyes and I am pretty sure that they are not contacts. What startles me the most is the yellow gold rabbit ears atop his head. One of them is ripped in half, and wires are protruding from it. Wait. That means he is an animatronic.... he notices me staring. "See something you like?" he says with a smirk.

??????????? pov:
y/n starts to blush, but she looks terrified. Well... she does know people will not have rabbit ears naturally, only Bonnie does. Soooo has she figured out I am animatronic? Even so, she is friends with them so why... oh. They just attacked her.
"Hey... I won't hurt you." I say without the flirtatious tone my voice usually carries. I hold out a hand and she flinches away, curling up in a ball. I let out an audible sigh and sit down across from her, as not to frighten her off. A banging at the door jolts me up again though, and I start moving furniture in front of it. Arcade games,tables, ect. y/n is now in the corner of the room, still in a ball, trying to merge with the wall. I walk over to her and the click of my shoes resonates over the banging on the door. I look down at her cowering figure with my silver eyes glowing.
"W-who are you?" she asks with a small voice. My ears perk up and a grin spreads across my face.
"Springbonnie, my dear." I say, bowing low "but you can call me 'Anytime'..." (I was gonna say 'spring' , but then the cheesy pickup line came in my head and I though 'why the hell not? Let him be like that.' and, voila!)
She snorts and than bursts out laughing.
"o-oh man.. that was bad..." she says, all fear has drained from her (e/c) eyes. I smile down at her rolling around on the floor laughing. I hold out a gloved hand to her and after some hesitation and fear returning to her eyes, she takes it and I pull her up.
"Do you know what happened to them?" she asks.
"Nothing has happened..." I say "you are asleep."
She gives me a 'wtf' look.
"I know, I know... It seems real... Though sometimes dreams warn us of events... how about you just keep your guard at the ready?"
She nods and looks down.
"Hey... they will be alright.." I say, trying to reasure her. She smiles slightly. "Hey, how about we play a game?"
"Sure," she replies, brightening up. We headover to a game. "How do I play this? She says, hands on the controllers.
"Like this". I snake my arms around hers and place my hands on hers. I slightly blush, realizing how close we are. I show her how to do the game, and then take my hands off. She continues to play perfectly and gets the highscore.
"Wow, you are a natural!" I exclaim.
"Only cause you helped me," she says, turning around with a smile. There is another bang on the door and she mewls. I (hesitantly) place my hand on her head.
"It is alright. They can't get in." I say and she slowly nods.
She wakes up,
To Goldie yelling her name.

Human!Fnaf x shy!readerWhere stories live. Discover now