Bringing back

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Freddy Pov:
Well, at least Goldie seems back to normal. Fade wriths with rage inside me and then the power goes out. Walking to the door, I start my toreador march. The song comes to an end. y/n starts to sing. I feel stronger, as the memories of all of us come back stronger and more solid. Fade solidifies in my head and I turn to him.
"What are you doing?!" he yells "Stupid SONGS aren't supposed to break my concentration!"
"Well when they are from y/n, they break my concentration. And you are technically me right now" I say with a smirk and lunge at him. Tackling him to the ground, I fight with my own shadow.

nobody pov
Freddy is in the doorway. The music has stopped, and y/n has stopped singing. Freddy starts yelling and holding his head in his hands, bending over. He looks like he just got hit with a major migrane. Sweat is dripping off his brown hair, and his fluffy ears are twitching like crazy.
"Freddy!" y/n and Goldie yell. y/n rushes over and takes his hands. He stares at her with a blue eye and a pitch black one. He is breathing hard and shaking, still in pain.
"You can fight him, come back!" she pleads. The side of Freddy that has the black eye slaps her across the face. The blue eye side grabs the arm.
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! That w-wasn't me!" Freddy says
"It WAS you and you know it!" Freddy says again, but it sounds more like Fade. Goldie and y/n step back as they watch Freddy fight with himself, well, techinically Fade.
"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!" Freddy yells at the top of his lungs. He lets out his animatronic scream, but not just his, two screams mixed together in one ugly mess. He drops to his knees as black goop pours though his eyes and mouth. The goop goes to the middle of the room and builds up, until Fade's form is slightly visible. He looks like he is struggling to keep a solid(ish) form. He looks over at y/n, who is helping Freddy up. She hands Freddy over to Goldie as Freddy sits on the desk, exhausted.
"y-y/n" Fade croaks. She looks at him, but not with fear but with loathing.
"You. " She says walking over placing her hands on her hips. "You messed up you little s**t". Freddy looks up suddenly. He has seen this y/n before. Her eyes darken.
"You kidnapped me. Perversely stared at me. Tortured me. I can deal with all of those. Heck, I am a forgiving person, over time, I could have even forgave you. But then you go and hurt my friends. You almost got them to kill me. If you think I am forgiving you after this, well, you have got to do something really amazing to ever get me to CONSIDER even TALKING to you. Get out of my sight." She hisses, eyes now dark. Fade looks shocked, and saddened, but the look turns to annoyance as he evaporates and rushes out.
y/n walks over to the twins and hugs them both.
"I am so glad you guys are back..." she says, tearing up. "I was so scared..."
Freddy places a hand on her face where he hit her and she warms up.
"s-sorry about that..." he says, feeling guilty
"It was Fade, not you. You dont need to apologize." she gives him her signature caring smile and her smiles too.
She picks up the camera.

Goldie POV
(Goldie turned the generator back on)
"You sure this is gonna work?" I say as y/n sits atop the doorframe of the left door. She was gonna pounce on Foxy as he ran though the door. Freddy was going to tell her when Foxy ran down the hall.
"This is gonna work!" She says confidently. She is in a crouched position up on the door. She is still wearing the black and white dress she got when with the shadows and Springbonnie, and... she is above us .. and... well... we can see up her dress. She is wearing flowy pants underneath, but I can't help but blush and look away. Freddy has noticed to and is currently trying to hide his tomato red face in the tablet.
"He is out!" he says suddenly. y/n gets ready. With a screech, Foxy barrels through the door, only to stop and look around, wondering where the nightguard was.
"HAHA SURPRISE!!!" y/n yells and jumps on Foxy. Out of surprise, he turns human. Foxy, being of extreme strength, tries to shove her off, but she holds tight to his jacket. It takes Freddy pushing him down to finally keep him down. y/n gets off him and walks around to face him. She crouches down so they are face to face.
"Why you trying to kill me?" she says. She knows why, but I can sense what she is trying to do.
"I don' hafta tell ye, ye landlubber!" he growls "Don' need to tell no stranger, def'n'ly no nightguard!"
"But I am not a stranger! It is me, y/n!"
"never hearda ye."
"hmmm. I could prove you know me."
"I'd likta seeya try."
"One day, you snuck in the kitchen, and replaced all the pizza sauce with hot sauce. You felt guilty afterwards."
"Howdya know that! I never told no one 'cept..." he trailed off.
"No! I would never tell a lil' nightguard! I jus forgot te name of who I tol'!"
"Do you have any other holes in your memory?"
"I, I remember scenarios, wit me and me crew(the fazbear gang), but we be talkin to someone who isn' there... I remember Marionette comin in all broken, but then getting fixed like that!" he said, snapping his fingers. "Why that be happnin to me memory.." he turned to y/n "Ye seem to know an awful lo' 'bout my memory havin' holes.... ye musta done somethin!"
"I swear, I haven't done anything." she puts a hand do her heart.
"Ye be lyin', I shoulda killed ye, if it weren' for these TRAITORS!" He yells, thrashing around, but Freddy holds him down. y/n sighs and leans down closer. She takes his face in her small (s/c) hands.
"oi! what ye doin?!" Foxy growls. Y/n sighs again and pecks his cheek, like she did for me. "W-what?!" Foxy says.
"Hey! Why did you kiss HIM..." Freddy wines.
"I kissed Goldie too..."
"I want one..." he is wining like a little child. I grimace. She laughs and walks over. She pecks his cheek like she did for me and Foxy.
Foxy is still on the ground holding his head. His eyepatch flapped up and both his eyes are steaming.(no, not crying, they are literally steaming) I recognise this, he is remembering. He starts to violently cough as the steam turns black and starts to come out of his mouth as well.
y/n goes back to Foxy and crouches down again. After he stops coughing, he looks up at her with his now golden eyes.
"y-y/n?" he says in a hoarse voice.
We all rush in and hug him.
"c-can't breath..." he says and we loosen the hug, but don't let go.

Human!Fnaf x shy!readerWhere stories live. Discover now