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I sat far away in the back of the club while everyone else was partying, but my friends tried to talk to me.

"Man what's wrong with you? All these fine Honey's in here tonight and you haven't said shit to them. I got three girls numbers ! What you got? Not a damn thing . " The dread head laughed in my face.

I just chugged down my drink and looked at the crowd. " Ain nobody in here interesting rocky. All they do is shake their asses on thirsty ass men. That ain't my type of girl. " I said to him truthfully.

I'm 19 and I just graduated highschool, & all I've been focused on is my career. I'm a upcoming rapper but all my friends think I need some girl to keep me less stressed out. I don't need any girl all up on my dick cause she gon get her feelings hurt once I say something to her ass.

Plus she's going to stop me from doing whatever I need to do for my career, I can't have that. Nobody ever gave me a thrill, all they ever want is to go on romantic dates. It gets annoying.

But I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when somebody sat five seats away from me.

A chocolate girl sat by herself & sipped on her shot. But she looked so...hypnotizing. I couldn't look away from her. So I kept staring at her as she crossed her legs. The purple light at the bar shined on her as her dress sparkled. Out of nowhere she quickly turned to look at me.

" You gonna stare babyboy or you gonna say something ? " She said to me while a smirk appeared on her lips.

I just chuckled and tried to turn away but I couldn't. She started making her way toward me and I wanted her to stay away from me but my body wanted her to come closer.

As soon as I looked at her face I couldn't help but stare. She was so....beautiful.

" My name's Ja'Naiyah . " She smiled at me brightly. But I knew deep down her smile was something different. I knew I wasn't supposed to meet this girl but it's like she was a magnet and I had to be attracted to her.

I couldn't speak at the moment but I managed to stutter out Travis.

" Oh it seems like I make you nervous... " She said while stepping up closer to me but her body was up against mine. " Do I make you nervous Travis? "

Everything around us disappeared and my heart stopped. She started moving her hands up toward my abs.

But I quickly stopped being in my daze and grabbed her hands.

" I suggest you not do that baby, I'll make your world hell. " I said to her as I smiled down at her hazel eyes.

She wrapped her hands around my neck and leaned up to my ear.

" That's good cause I'll make you feel like you're in heaven. " She looked up at me and licked her lips.

She backed away and turned to look at me.

" When Will I see you again My Lovely Ja'Naiyah ? " I said to her as I licked my lips also.

" In another universe. " She said as she walked away showing her plumped ass.

I couldn't help but stare as she disappeared into the crowd.

Weeks Later

I couldn't help but to think about Ja'Naiyah. I never felt like that before but with her I could feel the thrill and all she did was talk to me. Something about that girl who I barely even know is driving me crazy.

" What's got you in a daze lover boy? " Rocky said as he threw a pillow at me.

" Nothing ugly dude. " I said throwing a pillow back at him.

" That's funny cause I kept hearing you mutter something about some Ja'Naiyah girl in your sleep. " Rocky sat up and smirked at me.

My eyes widened but I quickly hid it.

" I don't know any girl named Ja'Naiyah..." I said as I turned to look at him.

He made a face. " You know damn well you lying little nigga! You know you want her to ride your chicken nugget! " He yelled laughing.

" You got 3 seconds to run before I get up and whoop your ass. " I said to him as I got up.

He shook his head.

" 1. "

He still sat there.

"3 ! "

"Aye nigga you skipped 2! " He ran out the door. I ran down the stairs after him.

So is it okay so far? I know this one was kind of lame but it's the introduction remember? Anyways do you think Travis will fall in love with Ja'Naiyah? Will Rocky ever meet Ja'Naiyah? Will Travis ever see the adventurer side of Ja'Naiyah? Read more to find out!

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