Luna Vil Vangard

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The sun felt amazing against my skin. Its radiance awakens my being to its entirety and it fills me with unknown aura and hope. I smile as his scent flood my nose. The woodsy smell reminds me of the early spring mornings. The young trees growing all over the castle as the winter snow thaws and the insects buzzing and singing their songs along with the birds, a symphony man could never dare to rival. Two strong arms pulled me back against a solid body, I chuckle as I felt him sniff my hair.

"You always look so tense. Is everything alright, princess?" He asked as he turn me around. "You know I'm leaving soon. My father and I will be setting off towards the next nation. Come with us, travel the world like you've always wanted." He spoke softly but I couldn't even lift my head to meet his eyes. "Is my departure bothering you?" he asked. I tried to open my mouth to answer but no words escape, I can only do is nod and lean my head closer to his chest. I feel safe in his arms and it seems that I an too afraid to let go.

"Why do you have to leave?" I asked quietly as we remain standing still against a willow tree. "Stay with me. At least until the end of the masquerade ball." I beg and finally looks at his face. I smile as I stare at his handsome face. His eyes are nothing like I've ever seen before. It is a mix of the lightest shade of green like the leaf of a young sapling and the darkest shade just like a luscious, deep and healthy forest. "Your eyes are beautiful. I will never get use to it." I mumble with a light blush on my cheeks. He chuckles and kissed the top of my head but still no words left his lips. "Please tell me you'll stay."

"I wish I can. I wish I can stay in the kingdom but I couldn't. Come with me. See the world with me. Lets leave together." He offers again but I just shook my head and push out of his grasp, I feel cold all the sudden. "Tell me what you want me to do and I'll... I'll  do it." He whispers. "You trust me don't you?"

"I trust you. I do, I promise. But I am the youngest princess of the land. My duties and responsibilities are here with the people of Vil. I can't just abandon them. I can't just up and leave my people. I love you. I truly love you with everything I have. I want to travel with you. See the wonders of our world but I... I can't. I'm sorry, Aeron." I held his hand tightly until he gently squeezed them and sigh.

"I can't persuade you now, can't I? We will leave on the first moon of summer. I love you, Luna." He let my hand go and flinched as he let them drop to my side. "I love you with all my heart. After all it belongs to you now. No matter how far away we are from one another or how different our lives may be, my heart will always be yours.  We'll see each other again, someday. At least promise me that you wont get hung up on me. You'll live your life to the fullest. I love you, always remember that. Here take these." He handed me his bow and quiver, then he draw something out of his pocket, a necklace with similar stone pendant as his. "This was my mother's and now I want you to have it." He put it in my hand before he left me there standing, feeling hollow and empty in the inside. Suddenly the sun wasn't warm anymore. Instead of filling me with hope it now only serves as the symbol of the day I lost my love. My eternal sorrow. After all who could have foretold what was to come.
5 years

The suspense of war kept me moving. The clashing of blades and screams of many men and women echoes the death valley. My hand stained red as I slaughter men after men. I drove my sword towards their heart as I unleash my own pain and suffering. It has been five long years since I last heard from him. Five agonizing years away from the boy I love. I was a girl when I meet him and he made me a woman upon his departure. I release a roar as I fight a lancer, my sisters and brothers beside me as we push our enemies out of our country. My horse neigh and whine as it run towards me.

"Max! Over here!" I called her. "Good girl." I say when she stomps on a swordsman's legs. I quickly mounted her and release a thunderous roar once more as we speed pass the enemies. Blood dyed both mine and Max's body as we slash and stab our enemies. I don't see the value of our enemies life anymore. I can only see red. Blinded by the rage of war, I shout for my archers to shower the last retreating warriors with burning arrows. I took aim towards the northern sky. Everything grew quite. The screaming and shouting  of warriors muffled. I released the string and let my anger rain upon my invading enemies. Many more followed, it was beautiful. Arrows drop from the sky like rain on a stormy nights. Men and women dropped like flies. Not one was saved. I didn't care, they were my enemies.

"Brothers and sisters of Vil, we have won this battle. We have defended our home from those savages from Noir. We will make merry of the evening but for now rest. Wash away the blood stains of the Noirians. Clean your sullied blade and rest for this evening we shall have a feast for our fallen bretherens." I say to them before I took off towards the camp where my father and his war minister is set. I looked up in the sky and felt the rain drop and splatter against my cheeks. Its cold and heavy as if the sky was weeping. Mother, are you looking down at me with pride or are you gazing at me with mournful and shamed look.

You have given me life and strength... why now did you come back and breaks my heart. What did I ever do to you. I only gave you all my love then why do you fight for the enemies?

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