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It's been a long shift, ______ is ready to go home and it's closing time. That's until you and your "friends" come and kidnap _______ starts holding ___ hostage, because of the history between you and ______'s father. Because of the death of _____'s father you make _____ pay for the money that's missing. Knowing _____ is confused and scared you love it and torture _____ by playing with their innocence and heart that eventually becomes serious to you.

You & ____ been roommates for the longest of times and what you love to do is both them. So what you do is bring person after person home and make loud noises at night. Trying to make _______ jealous, but once ______ says something that hurts you forever. You stop bringing people home and eventually start to move out. ______ becomes curious to why you're acting weird and then figures out you're leaving. _____ tries everything in their will to get you to stay because their scared to loose you. ______ starts to find out that you're deeply in love with them and that they hurt you, so they decide to give you a reason to stay and spills out their heart.

You're throwing the hugest frat party ever, while _______ is trying to study for their big test. _______ decides enough is enough and tries to confront you to stop the party, which turns out to be terrible. _______ notices their roommate their and friends, so they decide to stay. After a while, ________ it really wasted and you both end up with each other some how. Later that day you & _____ gets in trouble by the dean of the college because of the complaints so you're both stuck on probation fixing up the school, which turns out to be a blast for the both of you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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