Chapter 6: Hospitalized and Mended Friendship

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~Friendship is the best thing in the world. Without it we'd all be lonely and filled with nothing but emptiness as if a chunk of your life was missing.~

It's been 5 days since the brown haired witch has been hospitalized after the incident at Hogsmeade. The snow still falls quietly down onto the concrete and windows as if waiting for her to awake. There she lay upon the white beds of the hospital wing, covered with bandages and paler skin then usual. Madam Pomfrey rushed around doing her best to keep watch of all the sick wizards and witches, especially Eleanor. She was tending the wounds on her skin after Professor Snape healed them, after all he is the one of the few who knows how to heal someone after being attacked by the 'Sectumsempra' spell. She waved her wand above her body to wash and clean the scars, everyday, to make sure they heal properly. Everyday a certain ginger-haired wizard would visit to make sure Eleanor was alright.

Madam Pomfrey was a bit irritated with the many visits, but she just let it happen because of they care she saw from him. Finally, as she sun hit the sky in the early morning, the young witch woke up. Her hazel-green eyes were opened up to the light once again. She slowly regained her consciousness and remembered what had happened. She slowly sat up and examined everything. She looked around the room , grabbing her glasses and putting them on, noticing she was in the hospital wing and that Madam Pomfrey was in the corner making something on the counter with her back towards Eleanor. She then looked down and saw the dark lines on her skin from the horrible spell. She was about to say something but ended up coughing and getting Madam Pomfrey's attention.

Madam Pomfrey immediately turned around and was surprised. She dropped her container that she was holding and rushed to Eleanor's bed side. "Ms. Eleanor! You're awake!" She said waving her wand and making a glass of water float over and go into Eleanor's hands. She carefully sipped the water enjoying every single drop going down her dry throat. "Thank you, Madam Pomfrey." She said putting the glass on the dresser near her bedside. Madam Pomfrey took the glass and put it on the counter and continued what she was doing before. "If I may ask, how long have i been in here and what happened?" Eleanor asked, her voice still hoarse.

"You've been in here for five days young lady and someone decided to attack you with spells including one of the Unforgivable Spells in Knockturn Alley. The young boy, Mr. Fred Weasley I believe, found you. He's been in and out constantly these past days visiting you." She explained putting a potion together, most likely some type of healing potion. "Fred? He would visit me? Everyday?" Eleanor asked in disbelief still remembering their argument from before. "Yes ma'am he did. Would sometimes even stay here till midnight, even though I specifically told him to leave, that boy." She said adding a little grunt at the end of her sentence. As Eleanor was about to ask for another glass of water, the doors were bursted open and in came one of the Weasley twins panting and bending over putting his hands on his knees in exhaustion.

"Ah, back again Mr. Weasley." Madam Pomfrey said waving her hand in the air with her back still towards him. "Morning Madam Pomfrey." He said walking over to her. "What are you making there?" He said scaring her and making her drop the vile. She let out a quick scream and glared at Fred while picking up the glass pieces. "Well if you must know!" She said shoving him out of the way and putting the pieces in a trash bin. "I am making a pain-easer for Ms. Rozier who seems to have woken up today." Fred's eyes widened with excitement when he heard her say that. He quickly turned around and as if time had stopped the two of them were staring deeply in each others eyes, being mesmerized by one another.

He quickly snapped himself out of it and walked over to her and sat down on the side of her bed. "Hey Eleanor." "Hey Fred." She said quietly looking down and playing with her hands. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked staring intensely at her. "My throats a bit dry, but I'm fine. Thank you. For asking." She said thanking him quietly and brushing a piece of her hair behind her back. "Uhm I heard you were the one who found me and that you were visiting me everyday." She said playing even more with her hands. He looked back at Madam Pomfrey, who was smiling sheepishly and him, and turned back to Eleanor with slightly rosy cheeks. "Yea you see about that I-" He began, scratching the back of his neck, but was interrupted by her looking up and blurting out, "Thank you." Her eyes had a bit of a sparkle in them and seeing that made Fred blush even deeper.

He just coughed and stood up while pretending to stretch. "Uh, yeah no uh no problem." He said. Madam Pomfrey bumped Fred out of the way and handed Eleanor the vile of the pink liquid, "Here you go dearie, drink up. Now if you are feeling better you may leave as you like." She said while Eleanor drank the antidote and made a face with disgust. "Maybe your friend over here can also help you back to your common room, yes?" she said looking over at Fred who was blushing madly. "Uhm, no I'll be fine in my own." Eleanor said smiling while getting off the bed. "I'll take her don't worry." Fred said intertwining his hand with hers. Eleanor just looked up at him with wide eyes once again. "Well then you two better get going before you loose a days worth of fun." Madam Pomfrey said shooing them out of the nursing wing.

The two third years were walking down the empty corridors, their hands still conjoined. The bright sunlight was shining on them through the windows as if it was a spotlight. "Uhm, hey Fred?" Eleanor said very quietly. "Yes?" "Does this makes us friends?" She said stopping by one of the arched windows still having her grasp on the redhead's hand. "No." Fred simply said getting Eleanor's full attention. She looked up at him stunned and was about to cry on the spot. "This does not make us friends." "Oh. Uhm, Alright." She whispered taking her hand away from his and walking away from him. He smirked and ran up behind her hugging her from behind and leaning his hand on her shoulder. "This makes us Best Friends!" He said immediately making her smile and laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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