Chapter 2: First day at Hogwarts

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~~~ The people you least expect to be friends are the ones you end up being the closest to. The quietest ones are the ones that have the most to say. Everyone is cable of tricking one another in ways so obvious that no one notices them. ~~~

Through a slit between silk, beige curtains was the morning sunlight brightening up a small part of the room. On the bed was Eleanor lying perfectly under the covers with her tangled hair laying evenly across the many pillows. As the light got brighter, her eyes fluttered open and looked around the room. Looking to her left of her was bedside nightstand with slip of paper on it. Picking up her glasses and putting them on her face, she picked up the piece of paper and read it. The paper was a light blue and in gold letters was the words Platform 9 3/4. Another slip of paper was underneath the ticket, a note from Dumbledore explaining that the paper was her ticket for the Hogwarts Express which will be boarding at 8:00 sharp. She looked over at the provided clock and noticed it was 20 minutes till 8:00. She quickly rushed up from bed packed all her things and ran to the Kings Cross Station accidentally knocking other witches and wizards over.

When she arrived she still had 5 minutes left and decided to rest on one of the columns and catch her breath before boarding the train. Leaning back and breathing heavily, Eleanor was suddenly pushed onto the floor as she was rammed by a cart with suitcases on it. Falling face down onto the concrete a few feet in front of the column, she struggled to get out from underneath the heavy suitcases. Soon 5 others went through the column managing to steer away from hitting her again. "Fred! What have you done!?" A lady with ginger hair yelled at a boy with ginger hair as well. The others who went through the were laughing. "I didn't do anything mum!" Fred replied. "Doesn't look like nothing to me." A boy who looked exactly like Fred snickered. "Shut up George and help pick up the suitcases." A younger boy with ginger hair too said while putting the things back onto the cart.

Everyone gasped as they saw Eleanor on the floor after picking up all the suitcases. "Bloody hell Fred! You managed to actually murder someone!" A little girl said as Fred glared at her. "Ginny! Watch your mouth! C'mon help her up, help her up." They rushed to her side and picked her up by her arms. "Are you alright dear?" The woman asked. Eleanor nodded her head and quickly brushed off her clothes, picked up her things, and boarded the train. "You see what you did Fred!" The ginger haired lady said giving Fred a big smack on the back of the head. "Do it again mum!" Ginny said laughing at his pain. "Ginny! Fred you better fix this! Don't need to be hearing a complaint from professor Dumbledore. And watch Ron and Harry! C'mon Ginny dear let's head on back home." the lady said as she patted Ginny's back and they disappeared through the column. "Well that was exciting." George laughed as Fred hit him on the head.

"Shut up and get on the train already." Fred said pushing everybody onto the train. As they all boarded the Hogwarts Express, they parted there ways as Two of them went into the front with other first years and George and Fred just looked for any empty compartment. While walking down the isles of the train the two twins find a compartment with Eleanor in it, but don't recognize her because she is facing the window. The two of them look at each other, nod, and step in. "Hello lovely, mind if we sit here?" Fred asked while sitting beside her. Eleanor turned around and her eyes grew wide. "Hey it's you!" George said nudging Fred and smiling at her. "I'm sorry." She quietly said and got her stuff and was about to leave. "Wait where are you going? Why don't you stay plus everywhere else is full." Fred said grabbing her wrist to stop her from leaving. Eleanor stood there blinking at him for awhile then sat back down next to him. "Thank you." she said looking down at her hands. "Why are you thanking me?"

"F-for letting me stay, I thought you wanted your own area." she said stuttering and playing with her hands. A boy ran in through the door, "Fred and George! C'mon you gotta see this!" Eleanor looked a little disappointed but quickly hid it but Fred saw her reaction anyways. "No thanks Lee I'm just gonna stay here." George got up "I'll go see you later Fred and..." He said waiting for her to say her name. "Eleanor." she said almost a whisper and with that Lee and George left leaving Eleanor and Fred by themselves. "Well Eleanor I'm Fred." He said holding out his hand for her to shake. She just looked at him and looked back out the window. "Okay." He said putting his hand back down. "Listen, I'm sorry about earlier. Yknow about hitting you on accident." He apologized while rubbing the back of his neck. She turned and faced him but not looking directly in his eyes. "That's okay."

Third Year: The Pranks Begin (A Fred Weasley Love Story and Harry Potter Story)Where stories live. Discover now