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Do you know how it feels to be an outcast?? I am, no one cares for me and everyone ignores me. I am in the seventh grade and am finding out who my real friends are. There is really no one that I can count on. I have been the OUTCAST ever since third grade. I have been bullied ever since then too. People say that I am fat and ugly. Because of them I have even attempted self harm, but was unsuccessful. I go through a lot every day of the week, but no one cares.

I try my hardest to escape my hurt and pain, but  peple just bring me down. I try to escape my pain by doing school work. When I work people call me the fat geek or the ugly nerd. This hurts me a lot. I have been through a lot to get to where I am. I am not one of the normal kids. I am late in fashion and everything else. The only thing that keeps me going is his face.

By him I mean this guy I met at the beginning of school. His name is Jake. He is kinda rude to me, but his face keeps me going. Then there are the three meanest girls to me, Kate, Mary, and Hope. They no that I like Jake, they are me ex-best friends. When I am around him they tease me or they flirt with him, just to make me mad. Once Mary even told Jake that I like him. That is how our friendship ended. Then there is Kate, our friendship ended when she called me a slut in an argument over the phone. Finally there is Hope she was my friend for six years, but she had to go and talk about me behind my back.

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