Hermione Granger Loves Severus Snape Part 12

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....... So when Severus opened the door Hermione and Severus both saw Voldemort and so once Voldemort saw that Hermione and Severus was standing in the door way Voldemort made his way over to them and before Voldemort could enter the house Hermione asked:

        "What do you want Voldemort there is no reason for you to be here"  and then Voldemort said:

        "Well actually there is a reason for me to be here MIss Granger" and then Voldemort saw that Hermione was holding Corrina and then saw that Hermione had on her wedding ring and so Voldemort said:

         "Miss Granger I noticed that you have a wedding ring on so i was curios does your husband know that you are here with Severus" and then Severus said:

        "My Lord Hermione is now my wife and this is our little girl Corrina and so what is it that you have stopped by" and so Voldemort said:

        "Severus you know very well on why I am at your house I have come to see if Miss Snape wants to be just like her husband a Deatheater" and then Hermione yelled:

        "I...." and then Hermione looked at Severus and saw that Severus had a "Please do it so that we will be safe" and so then Voldemort said:

       "Go ahead Miss Snape what were you gonna say" and so Hermione said:

      "I will be come a deatheater just like my vey handsome husband and I want Severus to be the one to turn me to you side and then Severus said:

     "Hermione please dont make me have to be the one to do it" and then Hermione was like:

     "But Severus, I want you to be the one to do it" and then with that Severus took Corrina from Hermione and left the room and so then Voldemort said:

      "Well then I guess some one else will have to be the one to change you Miss Snape" and so Hermione said:

       "Okay then get on with it" and with that Voldemort said:

       " CRUSSIO"  ad=nd with that Hermione landed on the floor and started to scream out:

       "Severus Please Help Me" and with that Severus put Corrina in her crib and ran out into the front room and said:

       "Alright Voldemort enough you are gonna kill her" and so with that Voldemort stopped and so once Hermione relized that it had stopped she got up and ran over to Severus and just clinged to him so that  no one would take her and then Hermione wispered in Severus's ear:

        "Where is Corrina" and Severus wispered back:

        "In the kitchen you can go and get her" and so once Hermione knew that it was safe for her to let go of Severus Hermione went to the kitchen and took Corrina out of her crib and then Hermione went back out to Severus and Seveus held on to Hermione who was holding on to Corrina and then  Severus said:

       "Okay Voldemort you got what you came for so now you can leave and leave peacefully so that I can take care of my family like nothing has happened and I will not tell any one that you were here so just leave now" and so with that Voldemort said:

       "Okay good bye Mr and Mrs Snape hope to see you soon" and with that Voldemort left and so once the door was closed Severus asked:

       "Hermione are you okay" and Hermione said:

       "Yes I am fine Severus" and so with that Severus pulled up Hermiones sleeve and notice that Hermine's arm was red and so Severus figured that the Dark Mark was on her arm and of course it was so Severus said:

      "HErmione you did not have to be like me" and Hermione said:

     "Severus I saw the look that you gave me so I did what your eyes were saying to me" and then Hermione fell to the floor and Severus asked:

      "HErmione what is wrong" and all Hermione could say was:

      "My arm it burns" and with that Hermione lifted up her sleeve and Severus say that around Hermiones Dark Mark was red and so Seveus knew that Voldemort was calling for Hermione so Severus said:

     "Hermione you need to apparate to the Dark Lord he has a mission for you" and with that Hermione said:

    "Okay" and so Hermione went to the fire place and yelled:

    "Malfoy Manor" and with that Hermione was gone and Hermione had arrived at the Manor and had just walked in because the front door was open and once Hermione got inside she was welcomed by Narcissa and Bellatrix who lead Hermione to where Voldemort was waiting and so once Hermione got to Voldemort she said:

     "My Lord you called for me" and Voldemort answered yes Miss Snape I did call for you I have a Mission for you" and Hermione asked what is the Mission" and Voldemort said: I need you to go back to Hogwarts and be my spy because Severus is now no longer allowed in to Hogwarts so I figured that since you are a student then you could go as my spy" and with that Hermione asked:

      "When do I leave for hogwarts My Lord" and Voldemort said:

      "You shall leave on June 15 a week before school and you are already registered for school" and Hermione said:

       "Okay so now My Lord can I return to my family untill June 15" and Voldemort said:

       "Yes you may leave" and with that Hermione turned and was walking out when Voldemort called:

       "Miss Snape what is your first name" and with that Hermione said:

       "My first name is Hermione, My Lord and it will always be that" and then Voldemort said:

       "Okay you may leave now Hermione" and so once Hermione got back out side Hemione yelled:

       "Spinners End Snape Residents" and with that Hermione had arrived back at her house and once she got inside she culd not see Severus any where around and so Hermione looked at the clock which said one o'clock and so Hermione figured that Severus had went to bed so she walked up the stairs to her bed room and saw that Severus was asleep and so she changed and then crawled into bed right by Severus and once Severus felt Hermione by him he put his arm around her and pulled Hermione really close to his body and started to put kisses up and down her neck and even though Hermine was tired she let Severus do it"

Hermione Granger Loves Severus Snape Part 12Where stories live. Discover now