Chapter 2

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Skipper's POV

I grip my wine glass like it's a life line.

It kinda is, as much as I hate admitting it. Alcohol has always been an out for me. I need it even more now, with Daddy using this dinner party to shove his hospitality down people's throats.

I stare at the deep red liquid for a second before I return my attention to the fireplace. I built the logs up high and practically soaked them with lighter fluid, before I lit a match. A little smile rises on my lips as the fire eats quickly at the logs.

I ignore Daddy as he enters the sitting room, staring at me expectantly.

"Skipper?" he asked gently. "Do you wanna come join the party?"

I chuckle and swirl my wine, taking a deep whiff of it before I take a lengthy swig. The rich liquid distracts me for just a moment.

"Come on. It make you feel better to... talk to some of your friends for a little while. I... I invited Slash."

I turn quickly and glare at him. "You did?"

He nods slowly.


He shrugs and briefly looks over his shoulder. "From what I remember, he was a nice boy, compared to the rest of... them. And he... I know he cared about you."

Something wells up in my chest, and suddenly I can hear his goofy laugh echoing in my ears. He's calling me nicknames with his arm thrown over my shoulder. He smells like Marlboro Reds and Jack Daniels and shampoo and cologne. He's smiling at me.


I startle, and then meet his eyes. Once I've had enough, I turn toward the fire to keep him from seeing the tears in my eyes.

"I'll come when it's time to eat."

He lingers for a moment, hoping I'll change my mind. When he realizes I won't, he is gone.

The memories are painful. Especially considering the fact that I was barred from my best friend for years, and now it's like we don't even know each other anymore. He saved me sometimes, from his Grandmother in Northridge to his Harley.

It feels like five seconds have passed before I turn and see Michael, standing in the doorway and gazing at me pensively.

"It's time for dinner. I... saved you a spot right next to me."

"Michael," I swallow, forcing the emotion from my voice. "I wasn't aware that you were invited to this dinner."

He gives a tight lipped smile. "Of course I am. You're just lucky that old Prince finally dumped Apollonia, or this would be a whole lot worse."

I bite my lip. I didn't know they broke up.


He smiles just the slightest bit and steps closer to me. "You remember what it used to be like, sneaking around at night and hoping he wouldn't find out. The funny thing was, when he did... and he always did, if I remember correctly... you never cared. You were just... apologetically in love. Don't you miss that?"

I don't even look at him, because I do. If I meet his gaze, he'll know that.

I take another sip of wine. "Did you say dinner was ready?"

He only looks at me as I leave the room as quickly as humanly possible without running. I stop abruptly when I reach the dining room, realizing that this is far... far worse than I thought it might be.

Everyone looks up from passing the dishes of food around the impossibly long table to look at me. When I say everyone, I mean everyone.

Slash is here, but I can't look at him. Not with the rest of the band, Elton John, Queen, and Billy Idol all staring me down. I shoot Daddy an annoyed glance, which he meets with a pleasant one.

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