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Alyssa was on her way down to New Mexico when she got the call.

 "She's what?!" she exclaimed into the phone. 

"Your friend Jessica was just arrested with her ex husband Lincoln Burrows. They had made it clear to Arizona can you believe that!" Agent Lang said to her over the phone.

 Alyssa looked nervous as she stayed silent on the line.

 "Do you by chance have any idea where Mahone is?" Lang asked her unaware of Alyssa being caught off guard.

 "No." she lied. "I have no idea. I'm out of town right now visiting some family." she said to Lang before hanging up the phone.

Trish was sitting in her office when the door opened and in walked a very smug Mr. Kim. She looked his way and glared at him as he closed the door behind him.

 "Have you heard the excellent news?" he asked her walking closer to her desk.

 "It seems Lincoln Burrows has been caught by the Wilcox Police." he said to her. Trish sighed and rolled her eyes.

 "And you're in here bragging to me because?" she asked annoyed with him.

 He smiled wickedly. 

"It may seem your sister was arrested as well. It seems she was caught running with him." Trish tried to hide her anger from him.

 "And I suppose you have men out wanting to finish the job." she stated as she stood up and walked to the window. 

"I have a man on it yes. It may seem as if I won yet again Ms. Donovan." he walked so he was standing right in front of her. 

"I don't care who you are. You try to go above me again for any reason and I will see to it you're thrown out to the wolves with your dead sister." he threatened. 

Trish tried to remain calm as she just glared at him. 

"I think its time for you to go." she stated calmly as she continued to glare.

 He smirked knowingly. 

"Of course. I will be in touch with further updates." he turned and walked out the door without a backward glance her way. 

She let out a sound of anger as she threw a glass at the door.

Jessica sat in the middle of Lincoln and LJ as they sat handcuffed in the police cruiser

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Jessica sat in the middle of Lincoln and LJ as they sat handcuffed in the police cruiser. The cuffs were cutting into her wrists making her wrists hurt but she refused to make a noise.

 "Please my son and ex wife have nothing to do with this please." Lincoln begged.

 "That's for the judge to decide. " the cop driving stated.

 The cop in the passenger seat turned and looked at them. 

"How does a well respected cop in the Chicago area end up here with one of the most wanted fugitives in America?" he asked her.

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