Sweet Caroline

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Alyssa ran down the hall to Franklin's cell.

 She looked inside and her eyes went wide when she seen him hanging from his ceiling.

 "Open this door now!" she shouted to the guards.

 Once they got the door open she rushed in and grabbed her knife and cut him down. 

The guards laid him on the floor. 

"We need a medic here in 4B." the guard stated into the radio. 

"You're going to be OK." Alyssa whispered to him.

 "Just let me die." he hoarsely whispered back. 

"You're not going to die." she said to him. 

She stood up and shook her head. 

"Damn you Alex." she mumbled under her breath.

Trish rode in the limo with Caroline. 

"Do you have your speech ready?" Trish asked her. 

Caroline nodded her head. 

"Yes I have everything ready. You need to relax." Caroline told her. 

Trish shook her head.

 "I can't relax, not when I know my sister is still out there and with the brothers. I just have a bad feeling about today." she confessed to her oldest friend.

 "Nothing is going to go wrong. Relax and have a drink. 

The people will know if something is wrong." Caroline scolded as the car went around a turn and they seen all the people standing around the hotel with signs.

" Caroline scolded as the car went around a turn and they seen all the people standing around the hotel with signs

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Jessica watched as Michael walked over to Cooper to tell him he needed to go.

 She leaned against the wall and sighed. 

"Its 10 minutes away right?" Michael asked Lincoln.

 "Yeah at least." he responded from the kitchen area.

 "Listen if this doesn't work we're going to need a way out." he said as he came out with towels.

 "That's on you Linc." Michael responded back. 

Jessica took a deep breath. She didn't know if she wanted to continue running with them.

 "What about Derrick?" Lincoln asked. 

Jessica walked over to him. 

"You mean Derrick Sweeney? Do you think he'll be up for it?" Jessica asked him skeptically.

 "Yeah I do." he told her confidently.

 "Ok I trust you. This is up your alley." Michael said to Lincoln.

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