Chp16: Madonna

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"what's wrong with you
why are you behaving so different since yesterday??" he asked in confusion as she was behaving different & ignoring him mostly
"You are asking me same question again & again" she snapped rudely
she never talked to him rudely!!!
something is definitely wrong!!!
but what??
"Now m using your dialogue
no need to be so mean m juz asking" he frowned
"I told you nothing happened then too you are asking same thing & irritating me"
the way you are talking
explains everything
so stop your drama & tell me what's wrong?
& yeah don't tell me yesterday what you said that 'you won't talk me' thing ssly???"
She didn't reply anything making him furious
"fine don't talk to me"
"M doing the same thing
you are only talking to me"
"attitude eh?
let me tell you Randhir Singh Shekhawat can show much better attitude than you"
"good then show" she shrugged
okay now he was not liking where this convo was going on
he likes that idiot sanyukta more than this tantrum queen
that sanyukta is easy to handle not this one!!!
"m going out
i'll be back after 1-2hours
don't go out
& yeah don't allow any strangers inside" he instructed
"okay mommy" she smiled sarcastically
which made him smile aswell
"you look good like this..!
seriousness doesn't suit you" he chipped & left

after he left..
she sighed in relief & jumped on bed while hugging the pillow
"why its so hard to understand you randhir?
who are you?
& what you want?
the more m trying to know you the more m getting confused!!
that parcel
what that means??
you are scaring me but then the way you behave with me it's completely different & I feel safe with you
it's so confusing
what should I believe in??
that parcel which is indicating something different or you??" she closed her eyes in defeat
she was not able to decide what to believe??
yesterday that parcel which chintu gave her shocked her
it had some pictures of her & nikhil from der wedding night where they were discussing about how she will run away??
& some cash in it with a note saying advance
now what that means??

der can be only two conclusions
first he has kidnapped her
or second dadu must have send him money for helping her
which one is true??
& top of that why he clicked her & nikhil's pics
what's the use??
she wondered

"I don't know what to do?
should I run away
or confront him??
but what if he has kidnapped her really & if he finds out the truth that she knows e everything & try to harm her or may be blackmail her with that pics???" she gulped in fear

"No he won't do that
as far as I know him he is not that bad
I mean yeah he has a criminal record but he can't harm her
I can see that" she hugged the pillow more tightly

"I need to talk to dadu or my parents I need to know the truth & that minion won't help me
m badly stuck
aaaaa....mummma" she felt like crying now

the thought of being kidnapped was her scaring her
what will she do now?
how to get out of this?
or she is juz over thinking???
all these confusions made her anxious

& juz then she heard the door bell...
who it can be?
randhir said he will be back after 1-2hrs & he mostly uses his keys to open the door
& der are hardly any visitors
so who it can be???
getting curious she went to open the door...

"Woahh..I didn't expect such a beautiful girl will open the door" one handsome guy chipped in amusement
who is he?
"excuse me?" she raised her brow
"M randhir's friend..
is he der inside??"

randhir's friend?
since when randhir had friends?
as far as she knows everyone hates him!!!
"No sorry he is not der at home come after 1-2 hours" she snapped rudely & was about to close the door thinking that he is some thief
handsome thief!

"woah..easy girl" he stopped her from closing the door
"what you want?"
"wait why are you crying?"
she touched her cheek & realized she was crying
she didn't even notice that!!!!
"none of your business"
"feisty I like it"
"irritating I don't like it"
" are cute"
she not in mood to talk & this irritating guy why he is eating her head??
"get lost" she frowned
"not before you tell me your name?"
happy? now leave" she snapped
he stared at her for two secs & then bursted into laughing
you are not only cute but funny too"
"m done with your nonsense bbye" she bang the door hard on his face
"closing door on someone's face is considered too rude" he yelled from outside

she chose to ignore him & went back to bed...
after 10mins the door bell again rang
why gawd why me?" she whined

before going to door she picked up frying pan with her
ready to hit that idiot
"run away before I hit you badly" she warned as soon as she opened the door with the frying pan high in air in one hand & the other hand on her hip..
"uhh..hey" der was another handsome guy standing by the door now
oh no!
she pulled the frying pan down awkwardly & chipped "Hi"
"is randhir at home?"
why on earth everyone wants to meet randhir now only when he is not at home & when he strictly ordered not to allow any strangers in his house
"sorry he is not at home"
"can I wait for him inside?" the other guy asked politely
he didn't sound like any thief or something
so she decided to let him come inside
but much to her horror the previous guy also followed them inside
" dare you come inside??
get lost" she screamed
"calm down Madonna
m with him only
we both are randhir's friends"
randhir don't have any friends"
"who told you?"
"I know"
"you don't know anything baby"
"m not baby"
"yeah cry baby"
okay now he suits as randhir's friend
she rolled her eyes
"your name is madonna??" another guy asked in amusement
"No" she shook her head
"ohh wait your name is queen victoria?
or lady gaga?" previous guy smirked
"No my name is mia khalifa" she frowned
"uhh lalaa...." he chuckled
"ignore him he is mad"
"ohh yeah I can see that"
"you like me don't you?"
"plzz my taste is not that bad" okay now she sounds like randhir here
"Guys plzz.."
both sanyukta & that guy looked at the second guy
I don't know how you will react?
but we are randhir's...." he stammered
"randhir's jail friends" another one smirked in pride
as if he will get a medal for that

she stared at them blankly
not knowing what to say?

actually she should get an award for letting two criminals inside her house when randhir is not at home!!!


Thnku ^_^

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