Chp22: Ex

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Randhir was sitting outside on porch....
he was busy staring at the sky
his face as usual was blank no emotions
sanyukta couldn't predict if he is sad or angry?
why is he so mysterious?
why can't he be a cartoon like barun?
or why can't he be mature & understanding like nakul?

she went up to him...
"can I sit here?" she asked
"your bum your wish" he shrugged
"hahaa...not bad minion you are learning everything slowly" she chuckled & sat next to him
"when was the last time when you were serious?" he asked
"everytime when srk cries on screen" she made a cry baby face on which he rolled his eyes
"m serious"
"oh gawd!
come let's go" she faked a frown
"you said you are serious!!!
so we need to admit you" she grinned
"pj" he frowned
"why you came out?
go sleep in MIDDLE...!!" he purposely stretched the last word
"aare you still on that 'middle' thing only?
m sorry" she said with a puppy face
"why sorry?
go sleep wherever you want
I don't care" he looked away
"aww...minion is angry?
plz don't be angry m sholly" she leaned on his shoulder while circling her hands around his arm
he didn't reply anything

After sitting quiet for two mins
she started again "say something I don't like this silence between us"
"you can't sit quiet for two mins also right?" he chuckled
"what you want to talk about?"
"why are you like this?
now plz don't get angry
m asking generally
why are you so annoying & bossy?"
"thanks for being so blunt" he chuckled more
"m serious okay"
"ohh let's take you to ICU then" he smirked
"don't act smart with me" she glared him
"hahaa... now you understand how it feels when you act like this with me?"
"you mean to say m irritating?"
"yes you mean that only!!!
huhh..I don't wanna talk to you
bbye" she frowned & stood up
but then sat next to him again

"you were leaving right?"
"no m not!
I know you well now
you think you can change the topic & push me away?
then Mr you are wrong!!!"
"not bad
you are not that dumb as you look" he teased
she kept quiet

"what happened now?
don't tell me it's you famous trick to blackmail me" he asked
she still kept quiet
"okay now you are scaring me
what's wrong?"
still no reply
"you look good when you talk
say something!!!" he frowned
"don't ever call me dumb again
m not dumb okay" she snapped at him

he got surprised by her sudden outburst
by watching his expressions she calmed down "everyone thinks m dumb I can't do anything
juz coz I behave like a joker!!!
I juz hate that when ppl think m dumb
m not dumb!!" she looked away
he intertwined der hands surprising her
she looked at him confusion
"I didn't mean that
sorry.." he apologized
"it's okay"
"you were asking why m like this?
it's very simple I can't act strong like you
m coward
I hide my emotions behind my angry face
you know you are very strong
you make ppl laugh even when you are hurt
I can't do that so I get impulsive & act without thinking
everyone has der own way of expressing themselves!!
& what do you expect from a person who was in prison for 10yrs?
you really think he will behave normally?
the one who has been used to loneliness can ever open up?
lonely ppl have a habit of bottling up der feelings
& when someone tries to come close to them they juz change the topic coz they don't want to pull others in der loneliness
they have a mentality that no will understand them!!!
but suddenly when they find someone who they think they can open up with?
they get overprotective & possessive about that person
coz they don't want to lose them!!
ppl who are used to darkness when they find light they act all crazy & they can do anything to keep that light" he sighed

she stared at him for two secs...
"okay half I understood half went over my head
but did you juz said you were in prison for ten years??" she widened her orbs
"okay I won't ask the reason coz I know you won't tell me
but you know you talk like your mom" she smiled
"I do?"
"I miss her"
"why don't you try to patch up with her again?"
"I can't"
"you should atleast try"
"I can't sanyukta"
"okay leave that topic
you said m your light
ahem ahem...are you falling for me?" she teased
"yeah in my bad dreams" he rolled his eyes
"lemme guess you get jealous when I get close to barun & nakul
that's why you behave like this?" she teased more
I juz care for you
nothing else" he frowned
"hehee...chill m juz kidding" she chuckled

"is your offer still on?
about we sharing one problem at a time?" he asked all of sudden
"yes ofcourse" she grinned
"okay i'll ask first"
"go on"
"why did you run away from wedding?"
"I must have told hundred times
that nikhil is juz my best friend nothing more that's why" she shrugged
"no that's juz an excuse m sure der is something more"
now my turn"
"that kabhi kabhi aditi was your ex gf?" she asked
from where she came in between hahaa..
no she was not my ex gf"
"ohh..good coz I don't like her"

"m feeling sleepy" she yawned & closed her eyes
while he stared at her
she was so different from others
she acts mature & immature at the same time
she could have asked him about his past
like what crime he did & all
but she didn't do that
will he able to share his past with her?
will she understand him or leave him alone like others?
he wondered

juz then his phone buzzed with a text
Good that you are moving on
but trust me no one will ever love you!!!
everyone will leave you alone like they always do
coz you are a criminal!!!
& then you will understand why I left you

his eyes welled up
he clutched his phone hard in his hand
why can't ppl leave him alone for god's sake???
he was about to get up & leave in anger but then sanyukta's clutch around his arm stopped him

he stared at her
& don't know why he didn't want to believe that text!!!

sanyukta opened her eyes on his sudden movement...
"what happened?" she panicked
"nothing sorry"
"are you crying?" she widened her orbs in shock
"what's wrong?"
she noticed that he was clutching his phone hard
"show me" she snatched his phone
"give it back sanyukta"
"no wait" & she quickly read that text
"who send you this?
tell me I'll go & break her bones!!
what nonsense
I don't understand ppl have so much free time to do all this stupid things!!!
who did this?
that kabhi kabhi aditi?
comeon get up we are going to her house
that girl ssly needs a lesson" she frowned

he got amused by her reaction
"calm down lady gaga" don't why but he felt like laughing on her reaction
this girl ssly knows how to distract someone from der problems
"no we are going now
how dare she?" she got angry
"aditi didn't send me that text
& it's almost 3am now we are not going anywhere!!!"
"she didn't
then who?"
"umm..m-my ex.." he fumbled
"ohh.." was the only reaction she gave
"juz ohh?"
"ya m feeling sleepy
gudnyt" she stoodup immediately & left

while he got confused
what was that?


Thnku ^_^

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