•Chapter 3•

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Malia's POV
I didn't really feel like heading home so I went where I always go when shit like this happens...Carly's.

Carly's is a small, candid cafe. It opened a couple months after we moved and I rode my bike there one day. It became my special place where I could just...let go.

I never told anyone about it, not even Dani or Sky. I felt like sometimes I need to have a few secrets, or I would feel completely naked.

I pulled into the parking lot and go around to park in the back. You can never take a chance, right?

I got out and locked my car and walked to the entrance. A smile grew on my face as I heard the majestic sound of a bell ringing as I opened the door. It's both funny and sad, that has been the most constant thing in my life: the ringing bell.

Before sitting down, I walk over to the counter and order my "usual", even though it sounds like I'm a skinny blond bitch who lives for Starbucks.

After paying, I sit down in my little cozy spot in the corner with the blue antique chair and the rustic table with a chip in the corner.

I basically just stare out the window and think for the first few minutes while waiting for my coffee to arrive, so that's what I did.

After a couple minutes of that, I saw someone coming in. I couldn't see their face, so I just watched the door.

I heard the familiar ring of a bell and saw the last person I would expect to be here: Jordan.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him and hoped he didn't notice my jaw on the ground. He did a quick scan of the area, before seeing me.

Jordan started walking towards me, with a worried expression on his face.

"Hey," he said quietly, practically a whisper.

"Why are you here? How do even know I'm here?" I quickly ranted, " Jordan?"

"Uhh.." his bluish-brown eyes searched around, trying to come up with an excuse, " Pfft. I ALWAYS come to Carly's. It's my place,"

"Hah! Ok, buddy." I say in a sarcastic tone, "now, why are you really here?"

"Can I not come to Carly's?"

"No, you can. Just not when I'm here,"

"How am I even supposed to know when you're here?"

"Jordan, we used to be best friends. I know you'll know when I'm here," I said quietly.

"Fine. I came to check up on you. You seemed like you were in a bad mood earlier,"

"Well, I wasn't,"

"Then why are you at Carly's?"

Damn it. He got me. That's something I hated about our relationship. Well, hated and loved. He just knew. Knew when I was off, in any sort of way. God, I was crazy for him.

With a baffled expression, I responded, defeated, "I think you know why..."

After a couple of seconds, Jordan slowly answered, "It's because of me, isn't it?"

"Look, I honestly just want to be alone right now."

"Mal-Malia," he quickly corrected himself, remembering what I had said before, "I'm only trying to help,"

For some reason, this made me angry. I mean, since when does he think he has the right to care about me?

After letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I said, "Well, you've helped enough. Honestly Jordan," I scoffed and shook my head, "I really think you lost that right a long time ago. We're not friends anymore, what can't you understand about that?"

"But...I still care about you..."

"Well, that's sweet, but not true,"

"How would you know? Look, I still want to be friends. At the end of the day you're still my confidant, and I still care."

"Ok. Well, Jordan, if you are my friend, then you would know that this is my special place, to think and get away. Yeah but since we're friends, it's okay to ruin that-"

"What did I ruin?"

I just looked at him, hoping he would use that brain if his. "Now, every time I come here, I'm just going to think about this moment. You have officially invaded my bubble Jordan, we promised never to do that..." at this, I grabbed my cup of coffee and my purse and stood up boldly in front of him, "thanks, FRIEND,"

I pushed right past him, leaving his words unsaid and quickly exited Carly's.

After a couple steps, I heard the door open and heard Jordan, " Malia! Wait!"

I just ignored him and got to my car. I quickly jumped in and was about to leave when he showed up at my window. He started knocking on it.

I really wanted to leave but I didn't want to be rude, so, I rolled down my window.

"Please," Jordan started whispering, "I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you,"

As much as I didn't want to see him, I did at the same time, which made absolutely no sense, I know, but that was how I was feeling at the time.

"Why? So you can make me feel worse?" I know I was going too far but I needed to say it.

"No, of course not. To make you feel...better,"

A pang of guilt swept over me. I mean, he was putting himself out there for me. And was trying to make me feel better. "Okay, but it's going to be hard," I joked.

I saw what I thought was a flash of hope on his eyes, but I'm probably wrong. With a growing smile he says, "Great, I promise you won't be disappointed."

I hope not, I think. "Well...bye," I quickly drive away, looking at Jordan in the rearview mirror, hoping I didn't make a mistake.

Hey guys! I know this chapter was a little shorter than the normal length of my chapter, but I felt that this was a good stopping point! Thanks so much for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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