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The man stepped out of the shadows

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The man stepped out of the shadows. He had dark skin, not quite as dark as Sam Wilson, but similar. His brown eyes were cold, if eyes could be. And his long hair was in dread locks tied behind him with a leather strap. He didn't wear a shirt so Natasha could see the scars and she realized it was the same man as she had seen in the reflection.
"1714? That's not possible." Natasha said, doing her very best not to sound as scared as she felt. How was that possible? There was a good chance that he was lying. However, she didn't see any of the signals of a liar. He didn't mess with any of his clothing. He didn't use body language to hide. There was a chance that he was so delusional that he believed his own lie. However, the rocking of the wooden vessel was making her sick and the rusty bars keeping them locked certainly didn't look like any prison from modern times.
"You said you were hired. Who are you trying to find?" Natasha asked. "Maybe if you gave me a name, I could help?"
"Alice Lockhart." The man said.
"I don't know anyone by that name."
"She had red hair like you and a few tattoos. There are a two brandings on her left forearm, marking her as a pirate." He said. Natasha realized that he must be talking about Alexandra. "A few days ago, my spies reported she was traveling with him, a dark haired man, and a five year old girl. Then I lost contact. I find you, and him, but not the girl, Alice, or the other man."
"I don't know where she is." Natasha said. It was the truth. Alexandra had run off, leaving behind a failed attempt at a note on her dashboard.
"Well then, it seems you are of no further use." He said, raising a gun.
"Wait. The girl your looking for is her daughter. If you have the girl, you have Alice."
"Natasha!" Steve said, trying to get her to shut up. Natasha knew this was a bad idea and Alexandra would never forgive her if any harm came to Elsa. However, Natasha figured she could some how get a message to Alexandra to warn her. She just need her phone.
"Well then. Perhaps you are of some use." He said. He stood up and walked towards them, unlocked the cell and forced them on their feet. He only touched the cords and they came off. As soon as they did, Natasha knocked the man out. He fell to the floor.
Steve didn't speak to her but they moved in the shadow as team. Certainly a better team that she and Alexandra had been. She struggled to walk with the boat leaning from side to side. The best she could do was grip onto the wall and hope no one looked her direction. The man she had knocked out wasn't their biggest problem. As soon as they were on deck, she could see nothing but endless ocean. One man barked orders to a group of men who scurried to get them done.
"Steve, where are we?" Natasha asked.
"Well, my ship of course, the Black Delilah." A man said. He came down the steps from the helm. While he wore clothing that belonged to the modern world, he carried an ancient sword at his waist. He looked dead. His ashen skin stretched over his skeleton, there were dark circles under his blood shot eyes, and his greasy black was falling out. He used a cane, though, she doubted he actually need that to walk since he had no limp. "Let me formally introduce myself, Bonny. Captain of the Back Delilah. We need to talk."
he led them through a doorway into a room that actually looked comfortable compared to the rest of the ship. There were no dead bodies for one. He sat down in a high backed chair behind an intricately carved desk. Natalia sat down on a chair in front of the desk. She didn't really care. She just wanted to get home.
"I've given you my name. Now, tell me yours." He said.
"Natasha and Steve Rogers." Steve said before Natasha could say anything. "This is my sister."
"Well, then you understand family. That is good. Then perhaps you will help me find my family. My wife and her daughter...I have searched everywhere for them."
"Your employee knocked us out, kidnapped us, and brought us here. Who was the dead man?" Natasha demanded.
"Oh...just a troublesome soul. Do not fear...he will regenerate soon enough. You needn't fear me malady. We're all friends here. My friends tell me that you are friends with my wife. I am so desperate to find my wife and I hope that you can help." He said, sounding weary and heartbroken. She was tired of liars who tried to convince her of the truth. Who tried to teach her a lie. "I have an offer, you help me find my wife, and I will return you to your time."
"Deal." Natasha said. It was her turn to interrupt. "Like I told your bounty hunter-"
"Before you killed him?" The Captain interrupted.
"Yes. Like I told him. The way to find Anne is through her daughter." Natalia said. "I know where her...your daughter is..."

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