one drink..two drinks

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Yuri Pov
I'm having a conversation with Chris when I noticed that Yurio keeps ordering drinks.
Literally drink after drink! I'm worred that he's having to much!  I mean he only just turned 16 what if this is his first time drinking? 
(I doubt it tho)
'yurio maybe you should slow down '
I say carefully.
yurio shakes his head and continued drinking.
I turn to Victor,  I noticed he had been drinking a lot as well he was laughing at some story Chris was telling,
I'm getting worred that he's getting past his drive limit and u can't drive so I really need Victor to drive.
' vita... ' I gain Victors full attention with his cute nick name.
'yes yuri sweetie? '
Chris makes a awww noise and smiles.
' Victor I think we should go home now, your getting past your drink limit '
Victor smiles and nodded.
'your right yuri chan! '
'aw we will have to meet up with you guys soon ' Chris said.
'sure Chris that would be nice ' I say.

Victor Pov
Yuri is right I am drinking to much. We say goodbyes to Chris, I drag a slightly drunk Yurio away from the table and out of the bar after paying for are drinks.
Although I need to drive I'm still in the mood to drink,  especially with Yuri.... Mmmmmm when yuri gets drunk he likes to take off his clothes and grind against any thing in sight...mostly me.. Not that I'm complaining ;)
Yurio climbed in to the back seat and grunted,  ' can otabek pick me up from your place? '
'sure ' I nodded and started the car engine,
Once Yurio is gone the real party will start!
Just me and my sweet little yuri baby! A thue drinks and off to bed!  Well...not to sleep any way ;)

Only a short chapter this was really hard to write!  Don't ask me why I think it turned out a bit trash but..yhe smut is coming!!  I promise ' xx
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