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Yurio Pov
Can't believe that old man convinced me to stay at the bar!
I mean I have a boyfriend and all (otabek 😍) and yeah we do stuff... And go on dates and sleep in the same bed sometimes..... But that doesn't make me gay alright!
Piggy and old man are gay! I'm not love sick like they are ew..
I stare daggers at Victor while I sip my vodka I'm going to need to get hammerd tonight or I'll end up killing him!
'is.... It alright vita?'
Yuri stuttered,
'what the drinks... There find yuri '
Aaah Victor is so ducking cheerful!!
'i need another drink! ' I get up from the couches and make my way to the bar, leaving Victor and yuri behind.
'oi! Can I get a drink plz!'
I shouted at the bar tender.
' what you want?'
'gin and vodka' I demand, the bartender makes my drink, I noticed some guys looking at me all googly eyed, why? Why? Did I ever agree to have drinks with them?
A woman sits on the stall next to me and started making out with her girlfriend, I really want my drink now...
I felt someone pinch my booty!!!
' ahhh ASSHOLE! '
I turned to see a surprisingly familiar face.
' Chris?'
'yurio! I didn't expect to see you hear?'
A terrible though crossed my mind! What if he tells people I'm hear! I can see the headlines now!
'dont you dare tell anyone I'm hear!'
I shout angry at Chris.
'hey kid don't worry secrets safe with me' he winks.
Chris literally oozes gayness his hair jelled back a see-through silver shirt with pretty much all the buttons undone to reveal his chest and a pair of super tight bright pink skinny trousers with cow boy boots.
I cannot be seen with this man!
'so Yurio you came here alown!? What would otabek think?'
Chris purred
'I'm not here alown! Piggy and old man dragged me hear!'
'oh where are they? I haven't given them my congratulations yet'
I pointed over to the table we were sitting on, Chris left and made his way over there.
I downed my drink and ordered anouther..... This is going to be a long night.

Heyyyy quick message if there is spelling or grammar mistakes sorry but I can't be ducking bothered to fix them love u all xxx

yuri on ice a unforgettable night Where stories live. Discover now