Chapter 1

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Hello! I didn't expect to have the first chapter up this fast but I just had to write it. It was knawing at my brain.

It's actually a lot longer than I had orginally planned it to be, because I just kept writing.

It took forever to write it because  I was making sure to use correct, or close to correct grammar and spelling. Ugh. Haha.

Well I hope y'all like this story.

Please, please, please! comment and tell me what you think of it. I like to hear feedback. It encourages me to write! ;)

So please: Read, Comment, Vote, and Fan. :D



Trees were flying past me as I ran, panting.

I was scared, I felt like I was being followed. By what I have no idea. I just kept running faster and Faster silently through the woods.

I didn't know where I was. Nothing looked familiar, which scared me even more.

I stopped and hid behind a tree in front of me, trying to slow my breathing because I knew whoever, or whatever, was following me could hear me. Even if I couldn't hear myself.

I felt vibrations from someone, or something, running behind me.

That's a perk that deaf people have, they have high sensitivity with their other senses since they are without one.

I looked around, frantically trying to find an escape, but as I looked all of the tree's seemed to form a thick circle around me like a barrier of trees, preventing me from escaping.

I became deadly still, not moving or breathing, hoping that if whomever I was trapt here with wouldn't hear me.

I closed my eyes and begged God for whoever this was to just go about their marry way.

All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder and was yanked backwards around the tree and was forced to face my stalker.

I didn't see a face, I saw a tall man with longer hair in a black beat up leather trench coat. I could see his mouth and it was moving frantically, he began shaking me, it seemed like he was trying to tell me something, warn me.

At that moment I awoke in my room being shaken by my mother, she looked worried.

She began signing to me, "Honey, you were having a nightmare. Are you alright?" she said with a worried expression and a crease in her brow.

"Yeah, I'm alright just a bit shook up. I had a weird dream." I signed back, After I pushed my fluffy dark green down blanket off of me and sat up.

I looked over at my mom and she seemed to relax a little when she realized I was alright. My parents were such worry warts.

She looked at my hands and nodded as I signed that I was going to go shower and get ready for school.

Today was the first day of my senior year.

After my mom left my room I went over to my closet and opened it revealing my sad collection of old, warn out, or baggy clothing. I didn't exactly need to worry about my style, no one really cared anyways.

I grabbed a pair of holey faded blue jeans and a black tank top and a blue flannel button up shirt for over it. I closed my closet and walked out of my room into the bathroom and started the shower and got in.

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