Ch. 18 Bonfire

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Cassandra, Sam, and Bella arrived at the Black house where the bonfire is being held. Cassandra gets out of the car and takes Sam's hand with hers as they walked towards the house. Bella gets out of the car wearing an awkward expression on her face because she's not with Edward. She looks forward seeing Jacob running towards her with a smile on his face. She greets Jacob with a friendly smile as he pulls her into a hug. 

" I'm glad you could make it"Jacob whispered to her.

Bella pats his back.

" Cassandra invited me and I'm curious to hear about the legends" She tells him. 

Jacob lets go of Bella as he guides her to the back of his house. He guides Bella to the buffet telling her that she is welcome to eat at any time.

Bella nods her head when she sees a young boy and a pretty woman talking to Sam and Cassandra. 

" Jake. Who are they?" She asked.

Jacob followed Bella's eyesight and smiled. 

" They are the newbies as I called them" He chuckles. " The kid standing next to Sam is Seth Clearwater while the serious looking woman next to Cassandra is Leah Clearwater" He tells them.

Bella blinks.

" Clearwater...." She whispers. " Aren't they Harry's kids?" She asked remembering her father going to fish trips with Harry Clearwater and Billy Black.

" Yeah. They shapeshifted when they found out that their father passed away due to a heart attack" Jacob whispers to Bella. 

Bella nods her head feeling curious about the Clearwater siblings. She looks away from them as she continues to talk with Jacob.

Cassandra smiled at Leah. 

She gets along well with the only female shapeshifter of the pack. She makes sure that Leah isn't alone and is there for her when Leah get depressed over her father's death. They clicked when they realized that they went through the same thing when they lost one of their parents.

Leah's younger brother Seth turns to Cassandra. 

" Cassandra! When are you and Sam going to get married?" He asked with an innocent smile on his face.

Cassandra's eyes widened in surprised as she blushed feeling her heart skip a beat at that question. She glanced at Sam who is wearing an embarrassed expression on his face. 

" Seth!" Leah growls hitting Seth on the head. " I'm sorry about my kid brother" She looks at Cassandra in the eyes. 

Cassandra laughs nervously.

" It's okay" She smiled at her.

Sam stares at Cassandra and wears a thoughtful expression on his face. He pictures Cassandra in a beautiful wedding dress.

Sam blushed brightly feeling his heart skip a beat because Cassandra looks very beautiful in a wedding dress

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Sam blushed brightly feeling his heart skip a beat because Cassandra looks very beautiful in a wedding dress. He begins to think about how he should propose to her when he remembers that his imprint is in danger. He pushed the thought of a proposal at the back of his head because his imprint's life means so much to him. He hears Billy telling everyone that they are going to start. He smiled turning to Cassandra and telling her that they'll sit together by the bonfire. 

Cassandra walks with Sam towards a log and sits down next to him. She looks at Billy and smiled at him feeling excited to hear about the legends. She looks around and spots Bella with Jacob. She smiled at Bella thinking that she and Jacob look adorable together even though she knows that Bella is in love with Edward. She looks away from Bella when she hears Billy talk to everyone.

" Welcome everyone to our annual bonfire. I would like to welcome Cassandra Lopez who is Sam Uley's imprint" Billy turns to Cassandra and smiled. 

Cassandra blushed when everyone looks at her. She greets everyone with a shy smile and waves at them. 

Billy also introduced Seth, Leah, and Quil as new shapeshifters into the pack. He also welcomes Bella since she's the first outsider to hear the legends. Bella blinks turning to Jacob and asked why his father called her an outsider. 

" Well, mostly Quileutes and their loved ones get to hear the legends" Jacob explains to Bella.

" Isn't Cassandra an outsider as well?" Bella asked.

Jacob shakes her head.

" She is Sam's imprint. Imprints can hear the legends along with the shapeshifters" Jacob tells her. 

Bella nods her head. 

Billy begins to talk about how the shapeshifters got their powers by the first group of shapeshifters. He also talked about the third wife of Taha Aki who bravely sacrificed herself to save her husband from the Cold Ones that were attacking the tribe. Cassandra wore an awed expression on her face loving the legend of the third wife so much. The bonfire finished and Jacob told Cassandra and Sam that he'll drop Bella home. Cassandra gives Bella a hug telling her to be careful on her way home. 

" Did you enjoy your first bonfire?" Sam asked Cassandra as he drives them back home. 

Cassandra smiled.

" I enjoy the legend of the third wife so much. Her love for Taha Aki is strong then no other. She would sacrifice her own life fo him and the tribe" She tells Sam.

Sam parks the car and turns to look at Cassandra.

" Cassandra. I love you so much and I'm willing to sacrifice my own life for you" He takes Cassandra's hand and gives it a kiss.

Cassandra blushed.

" Sam. You mean so much to me and I am willing to do the same for you" She gives Sam a hug. 

Sam stays quiet remembering Edward's words. He hugs Cassandra tightly and pledged to himself that no harm will come to her. 

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