Chapter 1

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The whole town was enveloped in darkness with faint stars loitered in the night sky. Shadows that were cast on the ground a few hours ago at sunset blended into the dark. The bell above the door jingled as customers went in and out. The diner was getting less busy as the evening went on.

I noticed a man sat in the corner booth. He was jittery. His whole body rested uncomfortably as his legs shook under the table and he drummed his fingers along the edge. When I had taken his coffee order even his voice was shaky. "Amara, you okay?" A familiar voice asked snapping me out of my trance. I turned around to see Amy. Her red hair was tied up into a perfect messy bun and her hazel eyes contrasted perfectly against her dark lipstick.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered. "It's just that guy over there." I nodded my head in his direction. "He seems a bit nervous... look how he's shaking."

"Maybe he's just had too much coffee?"

"Maybe." The bell above the door jingled yet again signalling that someone had entered the diner. It was a group of men. All attractive; they were tall and muscular which was outlined by their fitted suits. One man had caramel coloured complexion with dark hair, his bone structure was amazing it was evident from his cheekbones and defined jawline and from when he glanced over at Amy I noticed his big brown eyes. The second man had an olive complexion with dark brown hair that was styled into a purposeful messy way and stubble was prominent against his jaw. The last man was the tallest, which was saying something as they all stood quite tall. Although at five- foot- four everyone was tall. He had a sunkissed glow with dark hair that curled along his forehead and fell before his green eyes.

"They seem tasty," Amy commented. I watched as they sat next to the jittery man. I heard him say one word: Lucien.

"I've never seen them around here before."

"Who cares about that? Go take their order!"

"What? Why me?"

"'Cause I'm waiting on Devon to finish my order so I can take it to my table. I'm already waiting on someone."

"But I-"

"Look they're dressed head to toe in thousand dollar suits just try and make them order much much more than just coffee."

I sighed and grabbed my notepad and pencil, "okay, fine." We didn't have fancy tablets and computers. The Winchester Diner was pretty old fashioned although not completely by choice. The owners, May and Jack, could not afford to upgrade it.

I slowly approached the table but I caught a small glimpse of something the jittery man said, "I know- I know it's been six months but the money it's just-" the guy with big brown eyes cleared his throat when he noticed that I was approaching. I took a quick glance at the table. My eyes caught onto green ones that belonged to the curly haired one. I quickly looked down at my notebook.

"Uh, welcome to The Winchester Diner. I'm Amara, I'll be your waitress tonight. Can I take your order?" I asked. It was the same thing I said almost every evening but my voice was slightly shaky. These men were intimidating to say the least.

"No thanks." The man with the olive complexion stated.

"Are you sure I can't tempt you?" Usually this would come off as quite playful but around these men it came off as quite strange. I noticed the man with green eyes staring at me. "I mean, uh, can I tempt you with the specials on the menu? The kitchen is closing in an hour and you do not want to miss out on the excellent food we serve here."

"I'll have a black coffee," the man with green eyes said. His voice was deep and husky exactly how I imagined it to be.

I nodded, "o-okay, I'll be back in a minute." I didn't wait for the others to chime in as I briskly walked away. As I stood behind the counter and waited for the kettle to boil I noticed that the conversation was becoming quite aggressive through the body language and harsh whispers that slowly filled the air.

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