Chapter 3

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The sun was slowly setting leaving only an orange hue behind. The clouds were shifting to make space for the night sky. After my shift all I could think about was Lucien. Does he really expect me to just turn up at the nightclub like he demands to? He's a vile man who clearly isn't used to people rejecting his demands. But then again I do want to save the diner. Paying for Jack's medication and treatment costs a fortune and with the money from the diner they could just about scrape by.

A knock came at my door snapping me out of my train of thought. It was Jasmine. She was dressed in a dark red slim fit dress that showed off her figure and accentuated her breast. She paired it with high black heels and her hair was curled to perfection. "Hey, Mari."

"Whoa, Jas you look amazing!"

"Thanks," she walked in, "get dressed."

I frowned and closed the door behind her as she walked towards my bedroom. "What?"

"We are going clubbing."

"We are?"

"Yep! Look." She handed me a flyer it read 'The Morningstar. Happy hour for students from 8-10pm on all drinks. Valid student ID required.'

"The Morningstar?"

"Yeah. Some guy gave it to me. It's such a cool club and this is the perfect opportunity to go. So let's get you in a dress and hit that dance floor with our free drinks"


"Do I need to remind you about how stubborn I am?"

It was such a creepy coincidence that Jasmine got a flyer for the club that Lucien told me to meet him in. It was too much of a coincidence. Did he somehow set this up? "I have college tomorrow."

"So do I hence the happy hour prices. I promise we won't be out long and besides if you miss one day it won't hurt."

I knew arguing with Jas would be futile. She was as stubborn as a mule especially when she was dressed up and restless. "Okay, fine." Jasmine picked out a black dress that I had stashed in the back of my closet. Jas had given it to me as a birthday gift last year for this kind of occasion and she insisted that I wore it. The black dress was quite simple it stopped mid thigh and showed off more cleavage than I was used to. It wasn't too much but showing off cleavage wasn't exactly me since there wasn't much to show... yay small boobs (note the sarcasm). I paired it with some simple black heels and a small bag which had my ID and my purse. I didn't do much to my hair and didn't put on much makeup despite Jasmine's protests. It's not that I didn't like makeup! I mean I watch all those YouTube videos for a reason, but I was too tired to make the effort and I was kind of bad at it despite my best efforts. This was the time of day where I would snuggle into my blanket and debate over watching Reign, Once Upon A Time or The Vampire Diaries on Netflix.

To my surprise, Callum was waiting outside for us. He smiled brightly at me showing off his pearly white teeth which made his blue eyes squint. Callum was a friend that we made late into high school and became very close. Jasmine had always wanted to set us up but I couldn't ever risk not seeing Callum as a friend to ensure our friendship would not be ruined. "You got roped into this too?" I questioned.

He laughed, "we both know Jasmine's stubbornness knows no bounds." Jasmine punched him playfully on the arm. I noticed Callum's eyes trailing from my head to my toe. "You look beautiful. Both of you do. Where's the Uber?"

It took us almost 40 minutes in the cab to reach the club. Jasmine was persistent on making it before 9 so she doesn't miss out on the free drinks. The line for the club was very long. "Look how long the queue is," I complained. "This wouldn't happen with Netflix."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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