They're Gone

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***Two weeks later***
Your Pov
Blue Pegasus came to the guild saying that they couldn't find Tenrou Island.
You got up putting your finger in Hibiki's face,"What do you mean you can't find them?! You can't lose an entire island!"
"We can't find a single trace of them or the island. They're gone."
You fell to your knees,"No, it can't be they have to come back. Natsu can't be gone. He has to come back. He has to come back to me. He can't be gone.",blubbering and holding the necklace Natsu had got you.
"We'll keep looking but there isn't much of a chance that we can find them. I'm sorry." with a sad look on his face.
You looked up," Hibiki, if you would I have a favor."
Hibiki looked at you,"Sure, name it."
"Erase my memories."
Hibiki had a shocked look on his face,"(Name), I can't do that to you."
You got up yelling,"You want me to suffer with these memories of them! They're poison!" while crying.
Hibiki hugged you,"I know it hurts, but Natsu would want you to keep them."You cried harder. You knew everyone else was hurting too.
You let go,"I'm sorry guys. I know you're hurting too. I couldn't help it, I miss them so much." looking around, you saw that their faces were as heartbroken as yours.
You turned to Hibiki,"Thank you so much for coming all this way for us. We all wish you came on a better occasion."
Hibiki looked to his team,"We do too. Thanks for having us. We wish you guys the best."
You turned, facing your guildmates,"Onto the next order of business, we have to vote in a new master. Are there any requests?"you said, trying to dry your tears.
A voice called out," Macao!"
"Alright, any objections of having Macao Conbolt as Master..."
You watched to see no hands go up,"Alright, Macao Conbolt is now the 4th Master of Fairy Tail! Congrats! That's all for today, everyone is free to go."
You stepped off the stage and walked out of the guild with Paige, heading to your apartment. Once we got there, you took every picture that had even one member of the Tenrou Team off of the wall. You then put everything that wasn't yours into a bag and into the farthest corner of your closet. You sat on your bed, Paige beside you, and cried, Paige cried with you. We cried for hours and into the night. This repeated every night. You then started to take jobs with Paige to keep your mind off of your grief. You started to stay in the guild less and less. You now were only in the guild to grab a job. You barely talk anymore, you only talk to Paige and to your client.
***Time Skip 2 months***
There's still no sign of the Tenrou Team, no change. You don't talk about them anymore, it's easier this way, to act as if they never existed. You don't even smile anymore. You dream about the Tenrou Team sometimes, you wake up crying every time. It still hurts like you found out yesterday. You don't even wear your necklace that Natsu got you anymore, you can't even look at it. You miss them too much. You miss the way it was before...before they disappeared.

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