They're Back!

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Your Pov
You were sitting in your hotel room waiting for the clock to turn 2:45, You have coffee with Sting at 3. He wants to talk about something that is so important we need to meet in person. You hate him, he left you because he found someone 'more attractive and loyal'. You were loyal, he wasn't. He was the last person you were with before... before... Natsu, so he's your ex. Just then, You received a call from Kinana.
" Hey Kinana. What's up?"
"Hey, you remember the Tenrou Team right?"
"Yeah, Why?"
"They came back! They are actually in the guild hall right now!"
I sighed,"Kinana...You know I get enough of this in town. Now knock it off."
"It's not a prank! I promise!"
"Kinana, honey. It's not funny. It never was. Are you drunk?"
"No! I swear it's not a prank!"
"Kianna, I gotta go, I've got plans with Sting in a few minutes. I'll be home in few days alright? "Bye." You said ending the call.
You got up and walked to the door. You opened it and walked out, closing the door behind you. You walked over to the cafe you and Sting were going to meet at. You saw him and walked over to his table. He was dressed in his normal outfit, a brown shirt that ended at his abs with a blue overcoat that had gray fur on the ends, dark blue gloves with a light gray streak on the end they came to his shoulder showing off his Sabertooth guild mark on his left arm, his pants were mostly black with two bits of light gray in the front and the back with a lining of yellow, his boots were black with a yellow outer sole.
You sat down,"I'm here. What was so important that we need to talk in person?"
He leaned his arms on the table, interlocking his fingers, his blond hair blew with the wind blowing by, his blue eyes looked into your (Eye Color) ones,"You are as beautiful as ever,"
"Did your girlfriend leave you? I'm glad she realized how much of a jerk you are."
"Last time I checked your boyfriend disappeared on an island... 7 years ago, which leaves you...single."
"Last time I checked we broke up because...Oh, what was it again, that's right, you found someone better. Quit flirting and get to the point."
Sting smirked,"I want you to come join my guild, we could really use you in the Grand Magic Games this year."
"Oh, let me think... Hell No!"
"Oh come on, your guild is barely a guild anymore, it has what 5 members? Fairy Tail isn't number one anymore (Name), you need to wake up."
"You come here, ask me to leave my guild and join yours, insult me and my guild and you still think you can convince me...You Bastard!" you said slapping his perfect little face.

You left the cafe hearing things like,"She slapped him he must've left her.","Look it's the failed wizard Saint (Name)!", and "Look it's the wizard saint that lost most of her guild!". I walked back to your hotel and gathered your things. You were done with this place. You bought a train ticket for the next train to Magnolia.
Kinana's Pov
You walked out into the guild hall to tell the others what you just learned from (Name).
You spoke quietly,"She's not coming."
Lucy spoke up,"Did she tell you why? I thought she would have jumped onto the next train, to come see us."
Max answered,"She has a good reason not to..."
Gray jumped in,"What do you mean 'she has a good reason not to'?"
Max continued,"She's been pranked, fooled, tricked and played, all more than once. She believes this is all a prank. Being the wizard saint that she is, she's ridiculed for losing an entire island and most of Fairy Tail's wizards."
Jet finished,"There have been people who have dressed up as everyone who disappeared and they told her that they came back, and...she believed them. People blame her for losing you guys. She's been through so much for us, she's stood up for us, fought for us and even took the blame for losing the island. She believes that she's responsible for losing everyone here."
Your Pov
After getting off the train you start to walk down the street to hear people say,"I can't believe Fairy Tail's lost members actually came back!" you were confused,'What are they talking about? There might be more imposters at the guild and the way it sounds like they are really good.' You open the guild door to see members of the Tenrou Team stare right at you.
"If you imposters want to avoid a beating I'd leave now or else."
A voice sounding similar to Gray's responds,"Or else what?"
"You must be new, every imposter found here is beaten so badly that they don't get out of the hospital for a year."
Jet calls out,"(Name)! Stop threatening them!"
"Not until I see some evidence that they are the real deal!"
A voice sounding similar to Lucy's says,"Natsu, get the letter!"
"The what....Oh yeah.Hold on!" you hear a voice similar to Natsu's say.
He goes through his bag to hold out a white, a wrinkled piece of paper and hands it to 'Lucy' who walks over and hands it to you.You open it to read:
Dear Natsu,
I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for overreacting about how you came back into town and not telling me. I was out of line and I wanted to tell you good luck on the S-Class Trials. Just know that I still love you and you have someone waiting for you to come home as an S-Class Wizard!
With love,
"Oh my gosh...I can't believe it. They are the real deal! You guys have no idea how much I missed you guys!" you say crying and hugging everyone.

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