Taylor's POV

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  (a/n: this whole chapter will be Taylor's POV, in case your wondering Taylor is 4 years )

           *TAYLOR'S POV*

I woke up beside Harry. "HARRY WAKE UP!!!!" I yelled wanting to see Skylar.

he groans and rolls over I sigh and go to Liam's room. "Liam please wake up" I said softly.

"Taylor what time is it?" Liam asked. I look at the clock.

"9:00 am" I answered sweetly.

"wake me up in an hour" He mumbled. I sighed.

"sweetie were tired" Danielle said. "we promise we will wake up in an hour"

I sighed. "SKYLAR" I said running into the door in the living room, I grabbed a stool, stood on top of it and opened the door. I ran out and shut it.

I walked to Skylar's room and knocked. Eleanor opens it. "are you out here by yourself?" she asked shocked. I nodded

"w-wheres Skylar?" I ask.

"In that bedroom" she answers. I ran in it and saw Niall and Skylar sleeping peacefully.

I jumped on the bed and Skylar woke up. "Taylor?....w-wheres Harry?" She mumbled.

"in his room sleeping" I answered truthfully not wanting to lie to sissy.

"oh, okay.....stay here with Niall, Tay" she said.

"okay" I smiled, she walked out the door. "NIALL!!! i wanna play" I said. he groans and opened his eyes.


"YAY! I screamed. I pull on his arm he  got up.

"what do you wanna do?" he asks groggily. I smile.

"dress up?" I squeaked, his eyes went wide. he shook his head quickly.


"okay, as long as it's not dress up" I giggled and hid as he counted

   .I knew he wouldn't find me.

Niall Horan (hafly true about Jack)Where stories live. Discover now