Chapter 1

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 (Hey guys! This fanfic is for some friends. Its gonna be put together weird so please bear with me. How it's gonna work is each of the three girls with have their own point of view of the story. So whatever happens in the first will connect to the others. I hope I explained it  okay. If not please ask. Peace!
Disclaimer: I do not own bts or their songs)

     I ran through the gates just in time before they closed. "Your lucky!" The janitor yelled after me as I ran to registration. I was suppose to be here early but a group of bullies had stopped me on the way.
     I've always been known as the f****t of the school. I was born with a strange disorder that turned my hair completely white when I was ten. The doctors didn't know what it was but they were relieved when they found out it wasn't fatal.
     Fatal medically maybe. Ever since my hair turned white, everyone has hated me because they thought I was some kind of demon.
     I sighed, walking into the office. I had just transferred to this school to try for a fresh start. I used to live in America but since the bullying got worse my mother sent me to live with my aunt is south Korea. I knew fluent Korean, english, and Japanese because of my family. I was half korean, 1/3 American, and 1/3 japanese.
     "Name?" The man behind the desk asked not looking up.
     "Hwen mai" I said. The man looked up and adjusted his glasses.
     "Ah yes, the new student. You were suppose to be here an hour early." He said. I bowed apologetically.
      "I'm sorry sir, something came up and I had to deal with it" I said.
     "Like what?" He asked. I hoped he wouldn't have asked that.
      "A group of people cornered me on the street on the way here and started picking on me for my hair" I replied.
      "Very well, also you will have to dye your hair back to its original color" he said and typed in his computer.
     "Forgive me sir but this is." I said. He looked at me with a yeah right look. "I use to have dark brown hair but when I was ten my hair completely dyed itself white. I've tried to dye it but it's temporary by a few days"
      He stared at me for a moment before looking at the computer, and started typing. The door opened quickly and a boy with black hair ran in panting. He looked around my age, if not older.
      "Late once again jeon" the guy said.
     "Sorry sir" the boy said and straightened himself. He looked at me and I smiled politely. His eyes widened.
     "Hi, I'm Hwen Mai" I said and bowed. He snapped out of his trance and bowed back.
    "Hi, I'm jeon jeong guk" he said. I smiled softly.
     "It's nice to meet you" I said. He was at least four inches taller then me.
     "Nice to meet you too" he said and smiled softly. I nodded softly, smiling.
     "Here's your passes. Jeon show miss Hwen to her first class" the man said placing two papers on the counter.
     "Thank you" jeong guk and I said at the same time. I giggled and took my pass. He grabbed his and left the office with me following.
      "What's your first class?" He asked.
      "Art" I said. I knew that wasn't the question he wanted to ask me.
     "Really?" He asked somewhat excited. "So do i"
      I smiled. At least I'd know someone. "Cool" I said. He nodded and led me down the hall to a classroom. There was laughter on the other side of the door. Jeong guk opened it and grinned seeing two of his friends sitting on desks and laughing.
     "Kookie!" A brown haired kid yelled and jumped up running over to him. Jeong guk went to hug him but was put in a headlock and started laughing.
    "Jiminie!! Get off!" Jeong guk laughed. The kid laughed and let go dragging him over to the other guy.
     "Your late again" the second guy said in a motherly tone. He had brown hair, and a roundish face. Jeong guk chuckled lightly and rubbed the back of his neck.
    I stood by the door, not knowing what to do. Jeong guk gasped and turned to me. He jogged over and grabbed my arm lightly, bringing me over to the others.
  "Guys this is Hwen mai" he introduced. "Mai, this is Jiminie and seokjin"
   Jimin smirked and winked before chuckling. Seokjin smiled kindly and bowed his head. I smiled softly. "It's nice to meet you two"
     "Same to you" seokjin said.
     A girl walked over to us and I could already tell she was a snobby brat. She had long blond hair, bright red lipstick, and to much eye makeup on. She winked at seokjin, jeong guk and Jimin before glareing at me. "Dyed hair isn't allowed in this school, trash" she said. She had that sorority girl accent.
     "Oh no, what ever shall I do" I said dramatically, putting the back of my hand to my forehead. Jimin chuckled quietly. I put my hand down and stared at her emotionlessly. "What are you gonna do about it?"
      "Ill tell the principal and have you expelled" she said smirking. I hung my head chuckling.
      "You'd be expelled faster then me" I said.
     "Oh yeah?" She asked sarcastically, folding her arms.
      "Yeah, your the one picking on a girl with a disability" I said smirking. "This is my natural hair"
      "Fucking liar" she snapped. I smirked and set my bag down. I pulled out my phone and held up a picture of when I was nine. I had dark brown hair. I swiped left showing a picture of my roots turning white. I kept swiping showing how my hair turned white. The last was me with completely white hair in a hospital bed.
       "Call me a liar again" I said sweetly, but my eyes held poison. She glared at me and turned, walking away. I knew she wouldn't say anything.
     Jimin clapped grinning. I looked at him confused. "You just humiliated yunmin, the most "beautiful" and "popular" girl in school" he said.
     I smiled lightly. "I honestly don't like doing that to people, but she started it so I had to finish it" I said. Seokjin smiled and patted my head lightly. I smiled and jumped as the bell rang.
      "What's your next class's ?" Jeong guk asked. I pulled out the paper and unfolded it.
       "Geometry, music, lunch, then free period" I said.
     "Your with me next" Jimin grinned.
      "Then your with all of us, second" seokjin said. I smiled and gasped when Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me from the room.
    "Come on we'll be late!" He exclaimed. I turned and waved bye to jeong guk and seokjin, before running after jimin.

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