Chapter 15

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Dedicated to phoenixintheflame. She gave me an amazing list of baby names. I also received a whole heap of awesome names from all of you who gave me suggestions but unfortunately I could only choose one.

Chapter 15

Casper’s P.O.V

I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve come out from under the drug to only go straight back under. This time it felt a little different I didn’t have the blackness hanging over me like I did the past few times. Things are a little clearer but again the room is completely empty. I tried to lift my arms like the previous few times but those times it was useless this time my arm lifted I began to move my legs this time I didn’t hesitate.

I pulled so hard I snapped the chains that were holding me to the chair. I quickly stood up and was met with a blinding pain in my head. Grabbing my head I quickly walked to the door that lead to the stairs into the kitchen. I listened carefully trying to pin point how many people are in the house. I could only detect one.

Standing beside the door and listening intently, I couldn’t hear a sound but I knew he was inside somewhere. Carefully I turned the doorknob and was surprised it turned so easily I pulled the door open and quickly and quietly made my way up the stairs into the kitchen.

“Stop” shouted a voice from behind me. I turned to see the same guard that dragged me down into the basement. “Who do you think you are?” I demanded. The vampire didn’t speak he just stood there with his hands clenched by his side.

“Stand down” another voice sounded from the left. I couldn’t stand here any longer I charged at the first guard and grabbed him from behind in a headlock. I didn’t think twice before I ripped his head from his shoulders and watched his body fall limp.

“Don’t you dare think of coming any closer” I warned the second guard. “I don’t answer to you” he sneered. “I’m your king and you will listen to me otherwise you’ll be joining your friend here” I gestured to the vampire on the floor.

“The house is surrounded you won’t get out of here alive, frankly I don’t understand why Caleb hasn’t killed you already” he said through clenched teeth.

I couldn’t argue with that theory I was surprised I was still alive Caleb had plenty of chances to kill me when I was out. “Try me” I challenged. The second guard charged me and his fist connected with my jaw before I returned the gesture and hit him in the jaw and followed up by a hit to the abdomen.

We went blow for blow, this vampire had nothing on me I was older and stronger then him but there was no way I was going to let him off the hook so easily. I pinned him to the wall and landed blow after blow to the abdomen. “Where is Caleb?” I questioned the vampire who was now beginning to look sickly pale. “I’m not answering, you have no need to know” he answered before spitting out the blood in his mouth.

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