Dr Hiddleston

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Ok so this is supposed to be Tom Hiddleston as a Doctor in the middles ages, it was originally my history work but it turned into this.

"Ah, good afternoon * checks notes* Ulric, my name is Dr Hiddleston, I'll be treating you today. Now, what seems to be the problem?" He asked, glancing up through his glasses.

"Well, uh, me teeth really 'urt, and they ain't pearly white or nothing. Me wife, Millicent, said it must be them damn worms I got, so d'you think there's a way to 'elp me?"

The Dr finished scribbling notes down, nodding as he spoke.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, Ulric, but I'm afraid you have the worms. You see, they live in the mouth and cause all the decay, hence the black and brown colour. The worms slowly eat away at your teeth-"

"What!? You tellin' me I've had actual worms in me bloody mouth?"

"Listen, you need to cure this by burning a candle made from wax inside of your mouth; let it smoke and the worms will fall out and die. And you mustn't panic, they are only very small, and easy to transfer. *murmurs under breath*Usually through a kiss.. I'm guessing your wife hasn't been complaining of this?"

Ulric held his hat in his hand, fiddling with the rim. "No, Dr."

Dr Hiddleston breathed in sharply, and ran his fingers through his golden brown curls.

"You haven't been kissing anyone other than your wife, have you?"

The patient's eyes widened, a look of panic spread like wildfire across each of his features. "N-n-n-," he stuttered, wriggling a little in his dirty chair, shrinking back into himself.

The doctor slowly got out of his navy seat, and walked over to him, his steps echoing across the room. He towered over Ulric, and looked down in disproval.

He lowered himself, bending his knees he until he was at the same eye level, his face just centimetres away.

Ulric stopped moving, just panted heavily whilst his head secreted beads of sweat.

"What's wrong, Ulric", Dr Hiddleston asked mockingly, as if his patient was a mere child. "Been doing a few things you shouldn't?" He asked, increasing in pitch.

"Ulric squeezed his eyes shut; he was too afraid to open them only to be greeted by the almost demonic being he could hear, almost snarling in his face. Dr Hiddleston's glasses rested on the edge of his nose, his nose and brow set in fury.

"GUARDS!" He screamed, the sound of thick oak doors being hastily swung open could be heard through the walls, hurried feet rushing along the splintered wooden floor.

Ulric had slumped down into his damp, rotten chair and closed his eyes, his head bowed over. The chinking of chain mail slapping together carried through the hallway, only to end with the Dr's door bursting open, two sweaty guards panted through. They both had large, squashed faces and piggy eyes, similar to the patient Ulric who now was squirming in his grubby seat. Dr Hiddleston had his back to them all and faced the window, with a cool voice he uttered "This man, Ulric, has committed a crime! He is having at least one affair, and consequently shall be executed for repeated adultery."

He quickly turned on his heel, his pristine clothes still as smart and clash as ever, "you see, not only does he have toothache cause by worms, which are transmitted through kissing, he has dirt on his knees and clearly doesn't work outdoors other wise the rest of his clothes would match and he would be such a fat little worm! He lives and works in the centre of the village where there is no mud at all yet his shoes are also muddy, the only place there is mud is right on the outskirts of town where there is a large community of brothels and women living in poverty. Not only is he committing adultery against his wife, he is probably paying for these encounters."

All Ulric could do was watch as the man towered over them all and smiled wryly; he had control of each and every one of these men, and they could do whatever he wanted..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2014 ⏰

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