Chapter 23

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"Why the hell should I answer your questions if your going to kill me? And killing me would free me from Nikolai so go ahead. "

Okay, I just said that because I wanted to sound like I don't care. But actually I cared. I wanted to live. I hadn't seen the world much and what I saw in the time of my little escape made me want to explore it more.

Umaya looked vaguely disappointed by my answer. She pursed her lips and examined my face closely, expecting me to say something else, I guess?

But I stared right back. I didn't say anything. She broke the silence with a sign.

"Lunia Vel Miorisi, what if I told you that If you answer my questions honestly, then I would give you a little bit of information that would help you in the future?"

Curiosity rose. I sat straighter. I'm eager to hear this. "And how could you possibly know that it would help me in the future?" I asked, grinning.

"Because , Demon Queen, I am like you. I am a seer. You can't see your own future, but I can. I Know." She said, her eyes taking on a weird glint.

That wiped the grin right off my face.

I expected some medicine to help me heal or something.

Her being a seer? Totally crazy. A demon seer? Totally rare. I had met other seers before. They had tutored me in the ways of the Knowing. But they had been either Vampire or Werewolves. Not demons.

"Demon seers are unheard of." I said, hoping that she not a liar and really could help me. Even the smallest detail would help. Really.

"Unheard of because we are rare. Our people do not want others to know of our existence. We are more powerful. Because we have the power of evil behind us. The power of the Earth mother."

It was sad but it was true. The power of evil was very strong. The demons had this power on their side. They weren't paticularly evil but they just used this power. Like you know, black magic and stuff.

And worshipping an ancient evil earth goddess? Lots of power. Special sponsorship gifts. Eternal protection. Why were the ghouls trying to fight the demons with this power on their side?

"I know what you are thinking. They too worship evil power. And they hunger for the life of our land. The ghouls have a dark presence. They are sustained from the life of their surroundings. They have lived for far too long and have drained the life our of their relm. And hence they want more.

Dinhae stands in the way of other relms. To pass on to another relm like Earth they have to pass on through Dinhae. "

"I have a question." I said, raising my hand. "You worship the Earth goddess Gaea. But isn't she a goddess from Earth? How come you worship a deity from another relm?"

"Earth is the relm from where everything originated. It is like the sun. The other relms are the planets around it. All life began at Earth. And hence we worship the earth. "

"Okay....You were saying something about questions?"

"History does not fascinate you, Miorisi? It is important to know our roots. I was indeed saying something about questions. Are you eager now? I thought you weren't going to answer me."

I glared. "You might have some information worth my time. Just begin your questions ,lady. I will answer only ten."

"Why ten?"

"That's your first question? I thought you wanted to know something more...I don't know important?"

Umaya kept her mouth shut. Smirking, I answered her first question. "Ten questions because I'm loosing time. I'm tired and sick. I just want to sleep. My legs freaking hurt. I want to go quickly. And I don't think your "information" will be important if I die on the way."

"Why would you die?"

"Nice choice, for a second question. " I laughed at her stunned face. Easy prey. " I'd die out of utter exaustion. I was just poisoned you know. I need rest. My body knows what it wants."

"You are cheating me, Lunia Vel Miorisi. "

"Do not call me Vel Miorisi. And I warned you that you had only ten questions. Eight now. Be Quick."

She stayed silent for a while. I watched her avidly. She looked a bit like a hippy. Her skin was dark, almost like an African's or an african Americans, what's the difference between them? I never could understand.

But then maybe it wasn't her real form. Mirage demons were much like chameleon elves. Except that they actually invaded your mind and showed you the person you wanted to see the most.

I was really not happy that I wanted to see Hanes.

But I did miss him. I yearned for one of his warm hugs, for one of those long walks on the beach to watch the sun set. Hanes loved the beach. It was weird for a Vampire. I remembered him slathering SPF 5000 all over his body as he took me to the beach. I was of course spared from the Vampire allergy of the sun. I was after all Hanes own daughter and loved the beach just as much as he did.

Even though I was scared of the water.

"As you know, I am the speaker of the people. I want what's best for them. So I want to know that now as the new queen what should the people expect."

So I was a normal interview. Now if I think about it, the death threat was kinda exaggerating. I snorted.


A female elder.


The word was used for someone older. But in the Other World, it was a name spoken in fear and awe.

Ages ago, Earth was inhabited by dragons, monsters and werewolves. There were of course the primitive humans but at that time the tales of the part man-part wolf had not yet surfaced. The humans minds were covered by the Veil. They could not See.

Dragons remained the same but the monsters evolved to demons and the werewolves evolved to something more...tame..more wolflike.

But the older species of werewolves remained. They were know as the Elders. They were wolves on two legs. They had the body structure of a man but had lupine faces and fur. The tamer werewolves resembled wolves but we're more man. The Elders resembled man but were more wolves.

Animals. Untamed. Wild.

They could shape shift into humans but their animal tendencies remained. They were primitive. A species as old as dirt. A few years ago the werewolves had tried taming them and settled them into a colony in the northern part of Dinhae. They put a couple of restriction on them but nobody know if it even works.

The werewolves were secretive. They treated the Elder species like a dirty little secret.

During the first war, the Elders had sided with the ghouls even though the werewolves tried to bring them on their side. They had made the same decision on this war. They wanted land, freedom and they were going to fight for it.

But this was the push that was needed to bring them on the right side.

The scarred, bald female.

"Where did you find her?" Nikolai asked as he felt her pulse at her wrist. He noticed that she did not have any nails. In their place were faint pink scars, that said a lot.

"She was in the lab of a company called the Chickadee Enterprises. She was being tested on. We captured her when they were shifting her to a warehouse in the desert. She's our golden ticket. " Borya's red eyes gleamed in fascination as he stared at the female.

"Golden ticket indeed. Get her ready. We shall bargain her to the Soul Shredder for an alliance. "

The Demon King (Otherworld Series #4)Where stories live. Discover now